Logging in to the OpenShift web UI

As indicated before, the CloudFormation templates for Data Gate on Cloud deploys the product in a Red Hat® OpenShift (ROSA) cluster on AWS. To complete tasks, such as adding compute nodes to your cluster, you can use the Red Hat OpenShift web user interface (UI).

Before you begin

Make sure that you are still logged in to your AWS account with your IAM user ID. See Signing in to AWS for more information.

About this task

To log in to the OpenShift web UI, you first have to identify the correct URL, as well as the user ID and password. The URL is stored as part of the CloudFormation stack configuration. The user ID and password are stored in the Secrets Manager on AWS.


  • To identify the OpenShift URL:
    1. Enter CloudFormation in the search field of the AWS console.
    2. Click CloudFormation on the search result list.
    3. On the side-bar on the left, select Stacks.
    4. Click the stack name (hyperlink) of the Data Gate on Cloud stack.
    5. Click the Output tab.
      On the Output tab, you find a list of key/value pairs. The key of the OpenShift URL is OpenShiftURLValue.
    6. Make a note of the OpenShift URL (value of OpenShiftURLValue).
  • To find the user ID and password for accessing the OpenShift web UI:
    1. Enter Secrets in the search field of the AWS console.
    2. Click Secrets Manager on the search result list.
    3. On the side-bar on the left, select Secrets.
      You see a list of the stored secrets. The OpenShift user ID and password follow these naming patterns:
      • <stack-name>-Openshift-Username
      • <stack-name>-Openshift-Password

      where <stack-name> is name of your Data Gate on Cloud stack (see step 4).

    4. Click <stack-name>-Openshift-Username in the list.
    5. Click the Plaintext tab.
      The OpenShift user ID is displayed. Make a note of it. In most cases, the ID is cluster-admin.
    6. Click Close.
    7. Click <stack-name>-Openshift-Password in the list.
    8. Click the Plaintext tab.
      The OpenShift password is displayed. Make a note of this password.
    9. Click Close.
  • To log in to the OpenShift web UI:
    1. Enter the URL you identified in step 6 in the address field of your web browser.
    2. On the start page, click htpasswd to select this login option.
    3. In the Username field, enter the user ID you identified in step 5.
    4. In the Password field, enter the password you identified in step 8.


You can now make changes to the cluster configuration from the OpenShift web UI.