What's new in 5.0.13

Learn about the new features in IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual.

New features

Release Notes for version 5.0.13
Before you go to new features, refer the Release Notes for information about this version download, installation, and known issues.
Flexibility to control the value of date field in Microsoft Word documents
You can use isProtectedDateFlag, which is a server-side parameter for Microsoft Word documents to view the date field value either as in current date or last computed date. New information Learn more...
Use CMAP resources for rendering language characters in PDF
CMap resources (.bcmap) are used when you render Chinese, Japanese, or Korean (CJK) characters in a PDF document file. New information Learn more...
Work with native PDF annotation
Native PDF annotation is now supported. You can select and interact with the text contained within the native annotations. This enhanced feature encompasses various elements, such as Form elements, Text Widgets, Highlight, and Line annotations directly within the PDF format.