Accessibility features of IBM Daeja ViewONE

IBM® Daeja® ViewONE includes features that make it more accessible for people with disabilities.

Keyboard shortcuts

IBM Daeja ViewONE provides keyboard access to the same functions offered by the toolbars.
Clipboard keys
By using the following clipboard key, you can copy a page to your clipboard.
Action Key
Copy page to clipboard Ctrl+C
Document builder keys
You can use the following keys in document builder mode:
Action Key
Select all pages Ctrl+A
Select multiple consecutive pages Select the first page, press and hold the Shift key, and click on the final page in the range
Select multiple nonconsecutive pages Select the first page, press and hold the Ctrl key, and click on the each page you want to select
Cut Ctrl+X
Copy Ctrl+C
Paste Ctrl+V
File keys
The following file keys correspond to the options in the File menu.
Action Key
Close C
Open file O
Open URL Shift+O
Save document F
Tip: For multiple-page TIFF files, the save keyboard shortcut saves the whole document. For other file types, the save keyboard shortcut saves only the current page.
HTML list key
The following key displays a list of the HTML parameters that are processed by the viewer.
Action Key
Display a list of the HTML parameters Shift+T
Image keys
The following keys correspond to the options in the Image menu.
Action Key
Fit to window width F9
Fit to window height F10
Fit to window F11
Zoom in + or Shift+=

Select the thumbnails and right click on the zoom + button. The zoom is applied on the thumbnails. When you left click on the zoom + button, the zoom is applied to the main page.

Zoom out - or Shift+-

Select the thumbnails and right click on the zoom - button. The zoom is applied on the thumbnails. When you left click on the zoom - button, the zoom is applied to the main page.

Magnifier M
Increase magnifier size + or Shift+=
Decrease magnifier size - or Shift+-
Increase magnifier width Shift+Right Arrow
Decrease magnifier width Shift+Left Arrow
Increase magnifier height Shift+Up Arrow
Decrease magnifier height Shift+Down Arrow
Increase magnifier factor * or Shift+0
Decrease magnifier factor / or Shift+9
Zoom to 100% Z
Zoom area A
Rotate clockwise R
Rotate counterclockwise L
Enhance E
Page keys
The following keys correspond to the options in the Page menu.
Action Key
Next page Page Down
Previous page Page Up
First page Home
Last page End
Goto page G
Print keys
The following keys correspond to the options in the Print menu.
Action Key
Print page P
Print document Shift+P
Print a range of pages 'CTRL+P
Scrolling keys
The following keys can be used to navigate on a zoomed page.
Action Key
Scroll right Right Arrow
Scroll left Left Arrow
Scroll up Up Arrow
Scroll down Down Arrow
Go to top of current page CTRL + HOME
Go to end of current page CTRL + END
Go to far left of current page SHIFT + HOME
Go to far right of current page SHIFT + END
Go to vertical center of current page CTRL + SHIFT + HOME
Go to horizontal center of current page CTRL + SHIFT + END
View keys
The following keys correspond to the options in the View menu.
Action Key
View page F2
View thumbnails F3
View thumbnails: Left F5
View thumbnails: Bottom F6
View thumbnails: Right F7
View thumbnails: Top F8
ALT keys
The following keys enable you to navigate a page:
Keys Action
ALT+UP-ARROW Go to the top of the current page.
ALT+DOWN-ARROW Go to the end of the current page.
ALT+LEFT-ARROW Go to the far left of the current page.
ALT+RIGHT-ARROW Go to the far right of the current page.
ALT+SHIFT+UP-ARROW or DOWN-ARROW Go to the vertical center of the current page.
ALT+SHIFT+LEFT-ARROW or RIGHT-ARROW Go to the horizontal center of current page.