Streaming data to analytics platforms with IBM Z OMEGAMON Data Provider

Start of changeDb2 Automation Expert can stream data to external data visualization analytics platforms such as Elastic or Splunk via an API with OMEGAMON Data Provider. After the interface between Db2 Automation Expert and OMEGAMON Data Provider is configured, Db2 Automation Expert collects the data and streams it through OMEGAMON Data Provider. You can start analyzing data using the sample Elastic dashboards provided by Db2 Automation Expert.End of change

Start of change

Data that can be streamed

The following types of data can be streamed to analytics platforms:
  • Real-time statistics
  • Utility history (requires Db2 13 function level 501 or later)
  • Utility object-level history (requires Db2 13 function level 504 or later)
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  • Db2 Automation Expert 1.1, installed using SMP/E.
  • One or both of the following:
    • IBM Z OMEGAMON Data Provider 5.6 (FMID HKOA110) or later with APAR OA64880 applied.
    • If you do not have IBM Z OMEGAMON Data Provider installed as part of an OMEGAMON suite, OMEGAMON Data Provider installation samples FMID JZOA11A is required.