Updating an existing configuration

You can easily replace an existing Db2 Analytics Accelerator on Z configuration by uploading a modified configuration file.

About this task

Having restarted the accelerator LPAR after adding new storage devices to your input/output definition file (IODF), you can update the configuration without a further downtime of the accelerator (appliance). See also Adding storage devices.

However, if you change the configuration of the Db2 network ("db2_nw"), you must restart the accelerator. Other changes to the network configuration are applied dynamically, so that a restart is unnecessary.

  • For the following steps, you need Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. Other browsers are not supported.
  • If the Login page does not show all the controls needed to login successfully, or if after the logon an SSC installer window is not fully usable because controls are missing, change the browser language to English and try again.


  1. Enter the IPv4 address of the Secure Service Container (SSC) LPAR in a web browser (see Figure 4).
  2. On the Login page of the Admin UI, log in with the Master user ID and Master password that you specified as you defined the SSC LPAR. (see Figure 4)
    You see the Accelerator Components Health Status page.
    Figure 1. The Accelerator Components Health Status page
    This image shows the Accelerator Components Health Status page, which is displayed after the login. You see information about the runtime components of the appliance (Db2 Analytics Accelerator on Z): appliance infrastructure, appliance runtime, appliance authentication service, appliance data service, Db2 accelerator service, and, optionally, the GDPS client. The status of these components is usually green. The icon for the GDPS client is gray if the configuration runs without GDPS failover support. Below, you find buttons to upload a new configuration file or download the configuration file of the existing, running appliance.
  3. It is recommended that you use the existing configuration file as the basis for your modifications. You download this file by clicking Download the currently active configuration file for the Accelerator. Navigate to the file location of your choice and save the file.
    Important: Compared with previous product releases, the syntax of the configuration file delivered with product version 7.5.3 and later versions has changed considerably. To upgrade from product version 7.5.2 or an earlier version, or make changes after an upgrade from these versions, always download the latest sample configuration file to guide you through the configuration process. The following chapters show the latest configuration syntax for your setup:
  4. Once your updated configuration file is ready for deployment, click Upload icon/button Upload, validate and apply an updated configuration file for the Accelerator.
  5. Navigate to the location of the file, select it, and click OK.
    You see a confirmation window like this:
    Figure 2. Confirmation window
    Confirmation window, which is displayed after uploading a configuration file. It contains a brief message as to what has been added, and OK button and a Cancel button.
  6. Click OK.
    A final confirmation message is displayed at the top of the page:
    Figure 3. Final confirmation message
    The final confirmation message on the Accelerator Components Health Status page


The accelerator continues to work. If you have added storage in your configuration file, the corresponding disk drive is formatted.

What to do next

Mind that you have to restart the accelerator (appliance) if you have changed the network configuration.

You can check the deployment process if you click Log in the navigator on the left of the Db2 Analytics Accelerator on Z user interface. The Log window lists recent events, as in the following example:

Figure 4. The Log window of the Db2 Analytics Accelerator on Z user interface
The Log window of the Db2 Analytics Accelerator on Z user interface. It lists the recent events. On top, you find a filter field, in which you can enter a search string to display just the events of interest. The following table has 3 columns, "Entry Date/Time", "Entry Type", and "Entry Text". These show the dates of the configuration changes, their type, and a textual description of each event.