Upgrading (non-ocp only)

Upgrading from evaluation to productive usage

IBM Cloud Transformation Advisor can be installed and used for free for 90 days. After 90 days you will need entitlement to continue using TA_Local. The following instruction should be followed when the 90 Day Free Evaluation period is over and you have purchased entitlements to a product containing Transformation Advisor.

Step 1: Get a key to the entitled registry.

An entitlement key for the software is associated with your MyIBM account. Get the entitlement key that is assigned to your ID.

  • Log in to MyIBM Container Software Library with the IBMid and password that are associated with the entitled software.
  • In the Entitlement keys section, select Copy key to copy the entitlement key to the clipboard.

Step 2: Login to the Entitled Registry

To set the entitled registry information export the entitled registry, user and key.

export ENTITLED_REGISTRY=cp.icr.io
export ENTITLED_REGISTRY_KEY=<entitlement_key>

Log in to the entitled registry with the following docker login command:


Step 3: Update the image tag in the .configuration script

  • Go to the scripts directory
  • Make a backup of the .configuration script
  • Edit the .configuration script
  • Modify the image tags
    • TA_LOCAL_CONFIG_COUCH_IMAGE=cp.icr.io/cp/icpa/transformation-advisor-db:<version>
    • TA_LOCAL_CONFIG_SERVER_IMAGE=cp.icr.io/cp/icpa/transformation-advisor-server:<version>
    • TA_LOCAL_CONFIG_UI_IMAGE=cp.icr.io/cp/icpa/transformation-advisor-ui:<version>
    • TA_LOCAL_CONFIG_NEO4J_IMAGE=cp.icr.io/cp/icpa/transformation-advisor-neo4j:<version>
  • Save the file

Step 4: Run the installation script

  • Go to TA_LOCAL home
  • Run the following command

Upgrading to newer version

  • From the existing TA local, copy the data directory to a temp location.
  • Get the latest zip, and extract it
  • Copy the data directory from the temp location to the location of the new ta local (ensure ownership and permissions do not get changed)
  • Install the new TA version using the launchTransformationAdvisor.sh script.
