Configuring single sign-on (SSO) through SAML authentication

Use the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) protocol to configure the single sign-on (SSO) authentication method between IBM Security QRadar® Suite Software and your IBM® Security Verify enterprise identity provider.

About this task

For more information about how Verify uses SAML for SSO, see Single Sign-on link to content that is hosted outside of the IBM Documentation collection, opens in a new tab.

Important: For each QRadar Suite Software installation, foundational services supports only one SAML provider.

SAML authentication and Red Hat OpenShift authentication are not supported in installation. Non-admin users are unable to configure Red Hat OpenShift or SAML authentication.

Support for SSO is provided through the IBM Cloud Pak® foundational services component, which is installed with QRadar Suite Software. You must have administration permission in Verify and foundational services to complete the procedure.

Onboarding users to a Verify instance

The QRadar Suite Software initial user, and all other users that you are planning to add to QRadar Suite Software, must exist with an email address in your Verify identity provider instance. If you add a user with no email address, they might experience issues when they try to access QRadar Suite Software applications.

Before you begin

For more information on how to set up IBMid as a valid identity provider in your Verify instance, see Managing Identity Providers.

  • Configure IBMid as a valid identity provider in your Verify instance.
  • The email address of users should be added in lowercase and must have an associated IBMid account.
  • While the Verify instance might show as an optional parameter, you must specify the name attribute, as it is required by QRadar Suite Software.
  • Do not add a user with the username admin to your identity provider, as that might cause issues with other services on your cluster.
  • Any user ID value that is used in QRadar Suite Software must be uniquely defined in only one of the connected identity providers. This restriction applies to the initial administrator and to any other user ID that is added to accounts later. If a duplicate user ID is encountered, QRadar Suite Software does not start correctly, and no users can access the system.
  • Ensure to add the user name and email address as recommended in lowercase so you can later configure the emaillowercase attribute of the SAML login assertion.


  1. Create the IBMid identity provider in your Verify instance.
  2. Go to Directory > Users & Groups > Users and click Add User.
  3. In the Identity provider field, select IBMid.
  4. Under Basic user profile, fill the Given name and Surname fields.
    Attention: The Given name and Surname fields are labeled as Optional, but they are actually required for QRadar Suite Software.
  5. Under Basic user profile, enter your IBMid user account email address in the User name field.
  6. Under User information, enter your IBMid user account email address in the Preferred e-mail field.
  7. Optional: Complete the other fields.

Configuring the SAML SSO connection in foundational services

Before you configure your connection, you need the credentials for IBM Cloud Pak foundational services, so that you can enable SAML as an identity provider in QRadar Suite Software and export its metadata.

Before you begin

Before you configure the SAML SSO connection, review and take the following prerequisite steps.

Install Red Hat OpenShift CLI 4.12 or later

The Red Hat OpenShift CLI client helps you develop, build, deploy, and run your applications on any Red Hat OpenShift or Kubernetes cluster. It also includes the administrative commands for managing a cluster under the adm subcommand.


  1. Download Red Hat OpenShift CLI 4.12 or later from The file to download is called openshift-client-<platform>-<version>.tar.gz.
  2. Extract the binary file that you downloaded by typing the following command, where <oc_cli_archive_file> is the name of the archive file that you downloaded.
    tar -xf <oc_cli_archive_file>
  3. Modify the permissions of the binary file by typing the following command, where <oc_cli_binary> is the name of the Red Hat OpenShift binary that you extracted from the archive.
  4. Move the binary file to the /usr/local/bin directory by typing the following command.
    mv <oc_cli_binary> /usr/local/bin/oc
    Tip: If this command returns a No such file or directory or Not a directory error message, create the /usr/local/bin directory by typing the following command.
    sudo mkdir /usr/local/bin
  5. Ensure that the Red Hat OpenShift CLI client is working by typing the following command.
    oc version
    Tip: MacOS users might see a message that this tool cannot be opened because it is from an unidentified developer. Close this message and go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy. On the General tab, click Open Anyway or Allow Anyway. Repeat the oc version command.

Install Cloud Pak CLI 3.23.1 or later


  1. Download Cloud Pak CLI from
  2. Extract the binary file that you downloaded by typing the following command, where <archive_file> is the name of the archive file that you downloaded.
    tar -xf <archive_file>
  3. Modify the permissions of the binary file by typing the following command, where <binary_file> is the name of the Cloud Pak binary file that you extracted from the archive.
    chmod 755 <binary_file>
  4. Move the binary file to the /usr/local/bin directory by typing the following command.
    mv <binary_file> /usr/local/bin/cloudctl
    Tip: If this command returns a No such file or directory or Not a directory error message, create the /usr/local/bin directory by typing the following command.
    sudo mkdir /usr/local/bin
  5. Ensure that Cloud Pak CLI is working by typing the following command.
    cloudctl version
    Tip: MacOS users might see a message that this tool cannot be opened because it is from an unidentified developer. Close this message and go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy. On the General tab, click Open Anyway or Allow Anyway. Repeat the cloudctl version command.

Retrieve login credentials for foundational services


  1. Log in to your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster by using either of the following commands, where <openshift_url> is the URL for your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform environment.
    • Using a username and password.
      oc login <openshift_url> -u <username> -p <password>
    • Using a token.
      oc login --token=<token> --server=<openshift_url>
  2. Set the $CP4S_NAMESPACE environment variable by typing the following command, where <cp4s_namespace> is the namespace where you are installing QRadar Suite Software.
    Important: If you installed QRadar Suite Software in all namespace mode, then set the <cp4s_namespace> value as openshift-operators.
    export CP4S_NAMESPACE=<cp4s_namespace>
  3. Set the $FS_NAMESPACE environment variable to your foundational services namespace by typing the following command.
    export FS_NAMESPACE=$(oc get cm cp4s-config -o jsonpath="{.data.CSNamespace}" -n $CP4S_NAMESPACE)
  4. To export the foundational services cluster URL, run the following command:
    export FOUNDATIONAL_SERVICES_URL=https://$(oc get route cp-console -n $FS_NAMESPACE -o jsonpath='{}')
  5. To retrieve the admin username of the foundational services cluster, run the following command.
    oc get secret platform-auth-idp-credentials -o jsonpath='{.data.admin_username}' -n $FS_NAMESPACE | base64 -d | awk '{print $1}'
  6. To retrieve the foundational services cluster admin password, run the following command:
    oc get secret platform-auth-idp-credentials -o jsonpath='{.data.admin_password}' -n $FS_NAMESPACE | base64 -d | awk '{print $1}'
  7. Test logging in to the cluster using cloudctl by running the following command:
    cloudctl login -a $FOUNDATIONAL_SERVICES_URL -u <username> -p <password> -n $CP4S_NAMESPACE

Enable your SAML SSO connection



  1. Ensure you are logged in foundational services admin console, as described in step 7 of Retrieve login credentials for foundational services.
  2. In foundational services, enable SAML and obtain the data from foundational services that you need to create an application in Verify.
    1. Enable SAML in foundational services by running the following command.
      cloudctl iam saml-enable
    2. Export and store the metadata file from foundational services by replacing the path variable and running the following command.
      cloudctl iam saml-export-metadata --file <path_to>/<file_name>.xml
  3. Create two files called signer.pem and encryption.pem, and add the following two lines in each file.
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  4. From the XML file that you obtained in step 2b, extract the certificate base64 text that Verify requires to connect with foundational services.

    Place the certificate text between the lines in each of the files that you created.

    The following XML is an example of the contents of the file that you obtain in step 2b. To locate the certificate text that Verify requires, search for "signing" and "encryption".

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <md:EntityDescriptor xmlns:md="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" entityID="">
      <md:SPSSODescriptor AuthnRequestsSigned="true" WantAssertionsSigned="true" protocolSupportEnumeration="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol">
        <md:KeyDescriptor use="signing">
          <ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="">

    For example, from the sample file, copy and paste the text located between the signing certificate tags <md:KeyDescriptor use="signing"> into the signer.pem file.


Providing Verify with data from foundational services

In this task you will create an application in Verify, provide this application with the certificates metadata retrieved directly from foundational services, and then obtain the Verify Use unique ID metadata that is required to further complete the SAML SSO configurations in foundational services.

Before you begin

  • Ensure you have the authorization to log in to the Verify administration console.
  • In Verify, you must use the Custom Application template. For more information, see Custom applicationlink to content that is hosted outside of the IBM Documentation collection, opens in a new tab.


  1. Upload the certificates that you obtained in step 2 to Verify: Go to Security > Certificates and upload the signer and encryption certificate files by using the Add signer certificate option. For more information, see Managing certificateslink to content that is hosted outside of the IBM Documentation collection, opens in a new tab.
  2. Create the emaillowercase attribute.
    1. Go to Directory > Attributes, and click Add attribute to create the email lower case and username lower case custom attributes if they don't already exist.
    2. Under the Type and Availability section, select Custom attribute, select the Single sign-on (SSO), and then click Next.
    3. Type the name and description for your custom attribute, for example emaillowercase and Transformation for SAML assertion with email lowercase.
    4. Under the Source and value section, complete the following fields.
      Field Value
      Attribute identifer emaillowercase
      Data type String
      Identity provider IBMid
      Attribute name from the identity provide email
      Default value Leave it blank
      Apply transformation: Lowercase
    5. In the Constraints field, keep all values to default.
      Important: The user name and preferred e-mail used in Onboarding users to a Verify instance must be in lowercase. If you onboard users with mixed casing, you must also use the exact casing in the SAML login assertion. For example, in the application configuration Sign-on > SAML subject > Name Identifier of the table in Step 3, you should use Email instead of emaillowercase.
  3. To create the application, follow the procedure in the Verify documentation. Go to Applications > Applications, click Add Application, and then select Custom Application to configure SAML sign-on. For more information, see Creating a Verify Applicationlink to content that is hosted outside of the IBM Documentation collection, opens in a new tab.
    • For the General tabs, fill the name, description and company information of your application. While the Description field might show as optional, but it is actually a required field for Verify to complete the exporting process. Enter a friendly name and description for your app.
    • For the Sign-on tabs, provide the information that is described in the following table.
    • You can leave all the other fields as default, including other tabs of the application. After reviewing the application Sign-on configuration with the table, click Save.
    Tab Field Value
    Sign-on Sign-on method Select SAML 2.0.
    Sign-on Use metadata Ensure that the checkbox is not checked.
    Sign-on Provider ID Enter the foundational services URL that you copied from the metadata.xml file that you obtained in step 2b in Configuring the SAML SSO connection in foundational services.
    Sign-on Use unique ID Ensure that the checkbox is checked.
    Sign-on Assertion consumer service URL (HTTP-POST) Enter the same Provider ID URL from the metadata.xml file, followed by /acs.
    Sign-on Service provider SSO URL Enter the QRadar Suite Software route URL, also known as domain.
    Sign-on > Single Logout Settings Single logout URL (HTTPPOST) Enter the same Provider ID URL from the metadata.xml file, followed by /acs.
    Sign-on > Signature options Sign Authentication Response Ensure that the checkbox is checked.
    Sign-on > Signature options Signature Algorithm Ensure that the RSA-SHA256 checkbox is selected.
    Sign-on > Signature options Validate SAML request signature Ensure that the checkbox is not checked.
    Sign-on > Signature options Validate SAML request logout signature Ensure that the checkbox is checked.
    Sign-on > Signature options Validate SAML response logout signature Ensure that the checkbox is checked.
    Sign-on > Signature options Service Provider signer certificate Select the certificate that you uploaded in step 1a in the signer.pem file.
    Sign-on > Encryption options Encrypt assertion Ensure that the checkbox is checked.
    Sign-on > Encryption options SAML assertion encryption algorithm Select AES-256.
    Sign-on > Encryption options Encryption key transport algorithm Select RSA-OAEP.
    Sign-on > Encryption options Service provider encryption certificate Select the certificate that you uploaded in step 1a in the encrypt.pem file.
    Sign-on > SAML subject NameID Format From the list, select Email
    Sign-on > SAML subject Name Identifier From the list, select emaillowercase, the attribute you created in step 2.
    Sign-on > Attribute mappings Send all known user attributes in the SAML assertion Ensure that the checkbox is checked.
    Sign-on > Attribute mappings
    Attribute name
    Attribute Source
    Attribute name
    Attribute Source
    From the list, select name.
    From the list, select name.
    From the list, select email.
    From the list, select email.
    • For more information about retrieving the QRadar Suite Software URL, see Logging in to QRadar Suite Software as initial user. For the Service provider SSO URL field value, the protocol prefix https:// must be added to the QRadar Suite Software route URL.
    • The Entitlement tab is available in the application configuration only after you save the application. This tab is not available initially when you are creating the application.
  4. Click the Entitlements tab, which is only available after you initially save the application. Select Access Type with Automatic access for all users and groups.
  5. After the application is created in your Verify instance, export from Verify the federation metadata of the identity provider.
    1. Go to Applications and find your application name in the list.
    2. Click the settings icon, and then click the Sign-on tab.
    3. Scroll right to the second column and down to step 4.
    4. Download the metadata XML file by clicking the URL for Use unique ID.
  6. Obtain a client_id and client_secret from your Verify instance.
    1. If an API Client does not exist, create one. For more information, see API Accesslink to content that is hosted outside of the IBM Documentation collection, opens in a new tab.
    2. Go to Security > API Access and click the edit icon for the API client.
    3. Under API credentials, copy and store the Client ID and Client secret values.

Providing foundational services with data from Verify

To complete the SAML SSO configuration in foundational services, register the Verify instance to connect with foundational services

Before you begin

  • Switch back to your QRadar Suite Software cluster.
  • Make sure all ibm-common-services and cp4s namespace pods are at 1/1 Running state with oc get pods -n <namespace>.


  1. Upload the Verify metadata XML file that you downloaded in step 3 by replacing the path variable with your XML file path, and then run the following command.
    cloudctl iam saml-upload-metadata --file <path_to>/<file_name>
  2. Assign the values for USER, PASSWORD, and FOUNDATIONAL_SERVICES_URL by running the following command in your cluster.
    USER=$(oc get secret platform-auth-idp-credentials -o jsonpath='{.data.admin_username}' -n $FS_NAMESPACE | base64 -d | awk '{print $1}') &&
    PASSWORD=$(oc get secret platform-auth-idp-credentials -o jsonpath='{.data.admin_password}' -n $FS_NAMESPACE | base64 -d | awk '{print $1}') &&
    FOUNDATIONAL_SERVICES_URL=https://$(oc get route cp-console -n $FS_NAMESPACE -o jsonpath='{}')
  3. Obtain a foundational services access token by running the following curl request with your QRadar Suite Software cluster URL.
    ACCESS_TOKEN=$(curl -s -k -X POST \
    --url "${FOUNDATIONAL_SERVICES_URL}/idprovider/v1/auth/identitytoken" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    --data-urlencode "grant_type=password" \
    --data-urlencode "username=${USER}" \
    --data-urlencode "password=${PASSWORD}" \
    --data-urlencode "scope=openid" \
    | jq -r .access_token)
  4. Edit the following command to replace the variables with values and run the command to assign those values.
    1. Replace <verify_instance_name> and <verify_instance_description> to identify the Verify instance that you are connecting to foundational services.
    2. Replace the variables for <verify_instance_url>, <verify_client_id>, and <verify_client_secret> with the values that you obtained from your Verify instance in step 3.
    Tip: If a variable value contains a space, use double quotation marks to enclose the value.
    VERIFY_INSTANCE_URL=<verify_instance_url> &&
    VERIFY_INSTANCE_NAME=<verify_instance_name> &&
    VERIFY_INSTANCE_DESCRIPTION=<verify_instance_description> &&
    VERIFY_CLIENT_ID=<verify_client_id> &&
  5. To register the Verify instance with foundational services, run the following curl request.
    curl -k -X POST "${FOUNDATIONAL_SERVICES_URL}/idprovider/v2/auth/idsource/registration" \
        --header "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --data @<(cat << EOF
            "name": "${VERIFY_INSTANCE_NAME}", 
            "description": "${VERIFY_INSTANCE_DESCRIPTION}", 
            "protocol": "saml", 
            "idp_type": "isv", 
            "scim": "yes", 
            "scim_base_path": "${VERIFY_INSTANCE_URL}/v2.0/", 
            "token_attribute_mappings": { 
                "groups": "groupIds",  
            "jit": "no", 
                    "email": "email", 
                    "displayName": "name.formatted" 
            "config": { 
                "grant_type": "client_credentials", 
                "token_url": "${VERIFY_INSTANCE_URL}/v1.0/endpoint/default/token", 
                "client_id": "${VERIFY_CLIENT_ID}", 
            "status": "enabled" 
    To confirm the outcome, expect to see the following successful registration message.
    {"status":"Client Successfully registered."}

What to do next

Verify the SSO connection as the initial identity provider by Logging in to QRadar Suite Software as initial user.