Numbering of Journals

If you use the settings Copy journals without changing the journal number within fiscal year or Copy journals without changing the journal number over year-end, all copied journals keep their original journal number and all new journals get a new number in sequential order. Gaps in the number series are not reused.
Note: The Copy journals without changing the journal number within fiscal year or Copy journals without changing the journal number over year-end options are not applicable to copying specific journals. When you copy specific journals, then the journal number is kept. IBM® Controller creates reserved journals to fill the gaps in the number series. You cannot copy specific journals over the year end.

Example 1

You select these settings in the General Configuration:

  • Copy journals without changing the journal number within fiscal year
  • Copy journals without changing the journal number over year-end

You select this setting in the Copy window:

  • Copy Only Fixed/Reversing Journals

In this example, the numbering of journals looks like this, where

F = Fixed journal

T = Temporary Journal

E = Empty journal

N = New journal

Table 1. Numbering of journals with example 1 settings selected
Month: Jan Journal Will be Month: Feb Journal Will be Month: Mar Journal Will be Month: Jan Y2 Journal
101 F Will be 101 F Will be 101 F Will be 101 F
102 T Will be 102 E Will be 102 E Will be 102 E
103 F Will be 103 F Will be 103 F Will be 103 F
104 T Will be 104 E Will be 104 E Will be 104 E
      105 NT Will be 105 E Will be 105 E
            106 NT Will be 106 E
            107 NF Will be 107 F

Temporary journals are copied as empty journals, and there are no holes in the number series.

Example 2

You select this setting in the General Configuration:

  • Copy journals without changing the journal number within fiscal year

You select this setting in the Copy window:

  • Copy Only Fixed/Reversing Journals

In this example, the numbering of journals looks like this, where

F = Fixed journal

T = Temporary Journal

E = Empty journal

N = New journal

Table 2. Numbering of journals with example 2 settings selected
Month: Jan Journal Will be Month: Feb Journal Will be Month: Mar Journal Will be Month: Jan Y2 Journal
101 F Will be 101 F Will be 101 F Will be 101 F
102 T Will be 102 E Will be 102 E Will be    
103 F Will be 103 F Will be 103 F Will be 102 F
104 T Will be 104 E Will be 104 E Will be    
      105 NT Will be 105 E Will be    
            106 NT Will be    
            107 NF Will be 103 F

Temporary journals are copied as empty journals, and there are no holes in the number series within the fiscal year. Over the year-end, all temporary and empty journals are removed, and the fixed journals are collected in a straight number series and renumbered. This is not recommended if you are using accounts with conversion code C, or if you want a detailed currency translation of I coded accounts on journals. When you use a detailed currency translation, you need the closing balance values from the year-end from the same journal number that is used in the opening balance.

Example 3

You do not select any of the Copy Journals check boxes. As a result, all journals in a period are collected in a straight number series and renumbered.