
Here is a step-by-step guide for planning and installing IBM Certified Container Software (CCS) in your cluster. Follow each link sequentially and execute the corresponding operations based on your deployment requirements.

User Roles

Deployment tasks can be carried out by both the cluster administrator and the project administrator. The table below illustrates the types of tasks typically associated with each administrative role. It's important to note that the list is not exhaustive.

Role Task
Cluster Administrator

• Creating namespaces (projects)

• Creating PSP or SCC and assigning them to namespace (project)

• Configuring Storage for data persistence

• Providing environmental details

• Installing and configuring IBM Licensing and Metering Service

Project Administrator

• Creating Secrets

• Installing IBM Certified Container Software for Connect Direct UNIX

• Validating the install

• Post deployment tasks

Prior to deploying the application, it is essential to utilize the provided information to strategize the deployment.
  • Installing a Kubernetes/Openshift Cluster
  • Application License Requirements
  • Verifying System Requirements
  • IBM Licensing and Metering Service
  • Download Helm Chart
  • Cluster Security Requirements
  • Downloading The Certified Container Software For Online Cluster
  • Downloading The Certified Container Software For Offline (Air Gap) Cluster
  • Configuring Application Storage
  • Secrets.
  • Configuring Database