engine.properties properties

engine.properties is stored as a row in the CC_FILES database table. When IBM® Sterling Control Center Monitor event processors (EPs) start, EPs read engine.properties. Some of the system properties are used by IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor EPs and some are used by Java. 

You can access engine.properties in the IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor web console by clicking your user ID and then clicking Menu button () > System Settings > Properties > engine.properties.

For performance related engine properties settings, see Performance Related Engine Properties Settings.

Jasper Reports properties

Table 1. Jasper Reports properties
Property name Property description Property values
DB_BATCH_SIZE Specifies the number of records to use for batch insertion when temporary tables are created for use by Jasper Reports. Valid values are 1 - 2,147,483,647. This value must contain an integer greater than or equal to 1. The default is 1000 rows. Increasing the batch size above the default of 1000 rows might improve the speed of the report by one or two seconds. However, increasing the batch size could result in out of memory errors occurring.
JDBC_DRIVER_MAX_ROWS Specifies the maximum number of rows that are used for the Sterling File Gateway report. Valid values are 1 - 2,147,483,647. This value must contain an integer greater than or equal to 1. The default is 10000 rows. It is highly suggested to not change the default value of 10000 rows.

Logging properties

Table 2. Logging properties
Property name Property description Property values
LogEncoding Specifies whether to encode the logs that are found in the IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor log folder. To decode the logs, run logConverter.bat or logConverter.sh. Valid values are true | false. The default is false. If true, do the following encoding:
  • & to &
  • > to >
  • < to &It;
  • ' to &apos;
  • " to &quote;
logging Specifies whether the IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor engine produces logs or not. Valid values are true | false. The default is true. In this case, true means that the engine produces logs.

Security properties

Table 3. Security properties
Property name Property description Property values
com.ibm.jsse2.overrideDefaultProtocol Specifies the secure connection protocol used between the EPs in a clustered environment. .

If the com.ibm.jsse2.overrideDefaultProtocol or the WEBSERVER_SECURE_PROTOCOLS property is set, the com.ibm.jsse2.sp800-131 property is automatically set to off.

TLS | TLSv11 | TLSv12| SSL_TLSv2
com.ibm.jsse2.sp800-131 Specifies whether IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor runs in NIST mode or not. Valid values are transition | strict | off. The default is off.
https.cipherSuites Specifies the cipher suites that are enabled by IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor to use between the EPs in a clustered environment.. Valid values are a list of comma-separated ciphers.
SEAS_CIPHER_SUITES Specifies the ciphers suites that are enabled for secure connections between the engine and SEAS. Valid values are a list of comma-separated ciphers

Database properties

Table 4. Database properties
Property name Property description Property values
BULK_DB_PURGE Specifies whether the purges of database records are done in bulk or not. Valid values are true | false. The default is false.
EVENT_MONITOR_SELECT_EVENT_TIME_WARNING Represents the maximum duration (in milliseconds) that the event monitor is allowed to get events from the EVENTS table for processing. If the duration exceeds the value that is specified, event CCTR138I is generated. Valid values are integers from 1 to 2147483647. The default value is 2000.
INSERT_EVENT_DB_WARN_RETRY_COUNT Specifies the maximum acceptable attempts to insert the monitored server data into the IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor EVENTS database. When the actual attempts exceed the value that is specified, a warning message CCTR134I is triggered.
Attention: The system tries to limit the CCTR134I events to no more than one per hour. However, because no synchronization is done between or within event processors, you may see more than one event per hour.
Valid values are integers greater than 1. If the value specified is less than or equal to 1 or is not an integer, the default value 6 is applied.
INSERT_EVENT_DB_WARN_TIME Specifies the maximum acceptable amount of time (in milliseconds) that IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor can take to insert the monitored server data into the EVENTS database. When the actual amount of time exceeds the value that is specified, a warning message CCTR135I is triggered.
Attention: The system tries to limit the CCTR135I events to no more than one per hour. However, because no synchronization is done between or within event processors, you might see more than one event per hour.
Valid values are integers greater than 0. If the value specified is less than or equal to 0 or is not an integer, the default value 2000 is applied.
MAX_RESULTSET_ROWS Specifies the maximum Sterling File Gateway SQL result set for Oracle queries. Valid values are n | 0x7fffffffffffffffL. Defaults to the maximum long values.
SUMMARY_TABLES_PURGE_BATCH_SIZE Specifies the number of records that are deleted in each batch operation of the summary table purge. Valid values are integers greater than 0. The default value is 100.
SUMMARY_TABLES_PURGE_ROLL_UP Specifies whether to purge the ROLL_UP table during the summary table purge. The ROLL_UP table stores data that is used to populate the Recent File Transfer Activity on the Dashboard in the web console. Valid values are TRUE | FALSE. The default value is FALSE. In this case, FALSE means the ROLL_UP table data is not to be purged.
UNPARTITION Specifies whether a partitioned production or staging IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor database unpartions during a configCC reinitialization set. Valid values are true | false. The default is false. In this case, false means that partitioned database reinitializes as partitioned.
UPDATE_EVENT_DB_WARN_TIME Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, it takes IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor to update the monitored server dasta in the EVENTS database. If the actual amount of time exceeds the value that is specified, then the warning message CCTR137I is triggered.
Attention: The system tries to limit the CCTR137I events to no more than one per hour. However, because no synchronization is done between or within event processors, you might see more than one event per hour.
Valid values are integers greater than 0, and the default value is 1000 in milliseconds.

Node service properties

Table 5. Node service properties
Property name Property description Property values
B2B_PREFERRED_TIME_TO_GET_DATA_MAX Specifies the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that the IBM Sterling B2B Integrator server takes to satisfy a request for data from IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor. Valid values are integers greater than 0. If the value specified is less than or equals to 0 or is not an integer, the default value 5000 is applied.
B2B_PREFERRED_TIME_TO_LOG_DATA_MAX Specifies the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor takes to insert the IBM Sterling B2B Integrator server events that are created from data received from an IBM Sterling B2B Integrator server to the EVENTS table. Valid values are integers greater than 0. If the value specified is less than or equals to 0 or is not an integer, the default value 3000 is applied.

Specifies the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor takes to construct event data to be inserted into the EVENTS table from the data that is received from an IBM Sterling B2B Integrator server.

The value that is specified here is used when the server's metrics are displayed in the server properties display.

Valid values are integers greater than 0. If the value specified is less than or equals to 0 or is not an integer, the default value 5000 is applied.
DONT_OVERRIDE_POLLRATE For a Windows node, the code does not allow the monitor rest time (polling rate) be less than 5 seconds. If this value set, this check is not done.  
SFG_IGNORE_KEYS Specifies which keys are removed from Sterling File Gateway custom protocols before being added to events. Valid values are key or a list of comme seperated values.
SI_INIT_CACHE If set, initialize cache for Sterling File Gateway route, arrived, and delivery records. Allocate maps used to cache information received from the server. The bigger the caches, the less database I/O that will be required to find information previously gotten.  
SI_METRICS Determines whether a database statistics thread starts to report Sterling B2B Integrator database statistics. Valid values are true | false.
SI_OPT Specifies whether the Sterling B2B Integrator optimization is used. If true, the Sterling File GatewayHistory handler does not attempt to go to the database to look for records that are not found in the memory. If false and the SI_INIT_CACHE is not set, then the Sterling File Gateway History handler does attempt to go to the database to look for records that are not found in the memory. Valid values are true | false. The default is false.
SI_SERVER_LICENSE Determines whether IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor issues a getLicense request to Sterling B2B Integrator during login, and information is present on the Sterling B2B Integrator server license tab in the GUI. Valid values are true | false. The default is true.
SOAP_SYNC_ONLY Determines whether Sterling B2B Integrator Node service logic only uses synchronous SOAP calls. Valid values are true | false. The default is false.

SLC and rule properties

Table 6. SLC and rule properties
Property name Property description Property values
COLD_START If the value is set to true, do not use any of the SLC recovery information because it is a cold start. Valid values are true | false. The default is false.

File Agent Service properties

Table 7. File Agent Service properties
Property name Property description

It dictates the number of seconds between checks the IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor FileAgentService performs to ensure all monitored Connect:Direct File Agents have sent traps within their specified heart beat interval, which let IBM Control Center know they are still running. Default value is 60.

The larger the value for FILEAGENT_MONITOR_RATE is, the less time the FileAgentService spends checking to ensure traps were received on-time from File Agents, leaving more time for other IBM Control Center Monitor processes and threads, thus making IBM Control Center Monitor more efficient. On the other hand, the larger the value for FILEAGENT_MONITOR_RATE is, the longer it will take for IBM Control Center Monitor to determine a Connect:Direct File Agent has stopped running

MAX_TIME_TO_BEGIN_TRAP_PROCESSING_WITHOUT_WARNING Number of milliseconds with a default of 30000, tells IBM Control Center Monitor to generate a warning message in the log files if the time at which an SNMP trap received from a monitored Connect:Direct File Agent, and the time at which the IBM Control Center Monitor FileAgentService begins processing that trap, is exceeded. These warnings contain the following text:
FileAgentService took an inordinate amount of time to 
begin processing of trap - <delay> ms Trap: <trap data>

The existence of these messages in the EP log files indicates performance problems are occurring within IBM Control Center Monitor and you may need to increase the heartbeat interval your Connect:Direct File Agents are configured with, as well as increase the IBM Control Center engine property value for FILEAGENT_MONITOR_RATE, to avoid them


Engine property SHOW_FILE_AGENTS, controls whether the status of monitored Connect:Direct File Agents should be displayed in the IBM Control Center Classic console. By default, SHOW_FILE_AGENTS is true if the number of monitored servers is less than the value of another engine property, TREE_NODE_SIZE_LIMIT, and false otherwise.

Note: TREE_NODE_SIZE_LIMITwas also introduced in v6.1.2.1 and its default is 5000.
Setting SHOW_FILE_AGENTS to true causes the status of File Agents to be displayed in the Swing console regardless of the number of monitored servers. Note, displaying the status of File Agents in the Swing console is very CPU intensive, and slows performance of the IBM Control Center Classic console, so you are advised not to set the property SHOW_FILE_AGENTS to anything other than false.

Other properties

Table 8. Other properties
Property name Property description Property values


This property defines whether Control Center can be shutdown with a ''no password" that is, stopEngine.bat|sh -np Valid values are true | false. The default is true. If the value is set to true, Control Center can be shutdown without prompting the user for a userid/password.
This property can have an improved performance when you are evaluating rules and DVGs with your IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor event processors. This property is turned on be default. If you want to disable this property, you must change the tag to
and restart your IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor event processor.
DEFAULT_STOP_ENGINE_NP_USERID Specifies the user id that will be used to shutdown the engine when stopEngine.bat|sh -np is issued Valid value is a valid Control Center user ID.
IS_INITALIZE_EXISTING_PROCESSES If the value is set to true, the CC_Process table is going to be cleared and reinitialized when an event processor is restarted. This process can take time depending on the volume of your Events table. After the migration of processes is complete, the property is automatically set back to false. You must set it to true if you need to reinitialize the CC_Process table again. Valid values are true | false. The default is false.
IS_INITIALIZE_EXISTING_ALERTS If the value is set to true, the CC_Alert table is going to be cleared and reinitialized when an event processor is restarted. This process can take time depending on the volume of your Events table. After the migration of processes is complete, the property is automatically set back to false. You must set it to true if you need to reinitialize the CC_Alert table again. Valid values are true | false. The default is false.

Specifies the maximum number of days the Statistics service recovery logic will go back for data for a server for which no previously summarized data exists in the ROLL_UP table.

This value only affects the recovery logic for the statistics service and it does not affect servers that have summarized data in the ROLL_UP table.

Default value is 5
PROCESS_SUMMARY_THREADS The number of running process summary threads. If you increase the number from the default, then you might have to add more CPU to handle the process summary speed. Valid values are integers between 0 and 60. The default is 4.
PROCESS_SUMMARY_UPGRADE_DAYS The number of previous days that are going to be migrated. If you set a lower value, then a decrease in the total number of processes that are migrated and the time it takes to migrate the processes occurs. Valid values are 0 | -1. The default is -1. If you set the value to -1, then all of the process are migrating to the Events table. If you set the value to 0, then no processes are migrated to the Events table.
TIME_TO_START_EPS_MINUTES When a controller event processor (controller EP) starts, the time period (in minutes) that it waits before reassigning the servers from EPs that were down when the controller EP started. Valid values are integers from 0 to 2147483647. The default value is 0. If the value is set to 0, the controller EP never reassigns the servers of an EP that was down when the controller EP started.
CD_DISCOVERY_ENABLED Enable or disable adding new server. Set to false to disable adding a new server. Valid values are true or false. Default value is true.
CD_IP_CACHING_ENABLED CD agents' request IP address will also be added to AltHostNames. Valid values are true or false. Default value is false.