Monitoring Sterling File Gateway

The underlying platform for Sterling File Gateway is Sterling B2B Integrator. To monitor Sterling File Gateway activities, add a Sterling B2B Integrator server and specify the Monitor File Gateway option on the Settings panel. If you are already monitoring the underlying Sterling B2B Integrator server, you can monitor Sterling File Gateway activities. Update the settings for the Sterling B2B Integrator server by clicking the Monitor File Gateway option.

Important: Depending on the server IBM® Sterling Control Center Monitor is monitoring, you can have functionality limitations in IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor with that server. See the Release Notes for what functionality is available with your server.

The following Sterling File Gateway activities can be monitored:

  • Arrived File events - every Sterling File Gateway Arrived File status code is recorded as a successful (FG_0411 - Arrived File Routed) or a failed (FG_0455 - Arrived File Failed) file transfer
  • Route events
  • Delivery events

Related to Sterling File Gateway activities, IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor also allows monitoring activities of Mailbox Service, MBI (Mailbox Browser Interface). Sterling File Gateway uses Mailbox Service to place files in mailboxes. You can monitor those activities by selecting the Mailbox Service protocol in the server settings panel.

The fgEventCodes property contains the Sterling File Gateway event codes that IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor uses to construct IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor events. IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor events with the specified event types are generated when Sterling File Gateway events with the Sterling File Gateway event codes are processed. Sterling File Gateway events that have event codes not in the fgEventCodes property files do not result in IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor events.

Update fgEventCodes when you want to:
  • Add new Sterling File Gateway codes, such as custom codes, to theSterling File Gateway event code set that is known to IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor.
  • Tell IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor whether a specific Sterling File Gateway event code represents an error.
  • Tell IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor whether a specific Sterling File Gateway event code is associated with a file transfer.
For more information about fgEventCodes, see fgEventCodes properties.