Partitioning processes

When you set up database partitioning, IBM® Control Center performs processes that support partitioning during configuration, engine start-up, and while the engine is running.

Partition process during configuration

On a new IBM Control Center installation, when a production database is converted to partitioned tables, partitions for 30 days are created. Thereafter, every day a new partition is created. On an existing IBM Control Center installation, when a production database is converted to partitioned tables, the following processing is done:
  • A separate partition is created for each day’s existing data.
  • Partitions for 30 days in the future are created.

Partitioning process during engine start-up

IBM Control Center does the following processes during engine start-up:
  • Removes older partitions based on the system settings. For example, if IBM Control Center is configured to keep only 15 days worth of data, then any partitions older than 15 days are dropped.
  • New partitions are created. IBM Control Center ensures that there are always partitions for 30 days from the current date.
IBM Control Center also handles the engine if it is down for more than a day. When the engine is started, it creates the necessary partitions for the days the engine was down.

Partitioning process while engine is running

When the engine is running every day during the scheduled time, it does the following processing:
  • Creates new partitions.
  • Drops older partitions.
Attention: Avoid using the following table names in your environment as IBM Control Center uses them during processing: