Single server configuration

In the single server configuration, all server components run on the same computer.

A single server configuration is useful on multiprocessor computers and in small-scale or development environments.

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Figure 1. Single server configuration
A client and the Management Console connect to a server that hosts a listener, the administration process, read/write knowledge bases and decision plans, and read-only instances of the knowledge bases and decision plans. Data is written to a data server.
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Clients are either:

Start of change The applications communicate with the listener that runs on the server by using the SOAP protocol. The listener forwards the request to the appropriate server component for handling. Administration requests are forwarded to the administration process, and runtime requests on a specific knowledge base or decision plan are routed to the read/write or read-only instances, depending on the request. Read/write requests are forwarded to read/write instances, and read-only requests are forwarded to read-only instances (if any exist). End of change

Start of change You can configure whether load balancing is performed by the listener or by read/write instances. End of change

Start of change To set up this single server configuration:
  1. Install the Content Classification server on a computer and select the option to run the administration and data server on this computer. Also select the option to run the listener component on this computer.
  2. In the Management Console, add the decision plan and referenced knowledge bases to the server and start them. When you add each decision plan and knowledge base, set up read-only instances by configuring the Read-only servers setting.
  3. Specify whether load balancing is to be performed by the listener or by read/write instances. Configure the Routing Requests options in the Management Console Global Properties window. If you select the option to route incoming requests to the listener, ensure that the following option is selected for best performance: Route requests only to decision plans or knowledge bases on the server that received the request.
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