IBM Content Navigator configuration and deployment log files

The IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool generates several log files that you can use to troubleshoot problems that occur when you configure and deploy IBM Content Navigator.

Web application server log files

The web application server log files can help you identify errors that occurred when deploying the web application.

Highly Available ClustersIf you are trying to troubleshoot problems in a highly available cluster environment, collect the log files from the deployment manager and each node in the cluster.

The location of the web application server log files depends on the type of web application server on which you are deploying IBM Content Navigator:
WebSphere® Application Server log files
If you are deploying on WebSphere Application Server, the following files can provide useful troubleshooting information:
  • SystemOut.log
  • SystemErr.log
These files are in the logs\server subdirectory of the application server on which you are trying to deploy IBM Content Navigator, for example, C:\Websphere\profiles\AppSrv01\logs\server1.
Oracle WebLogic Server log files
If you are deploying on Oracle WebLogic Server, the following files can provide useful troubleshooting information:
  • AdminServer.log from the domain
  • AdminServer.log from the server where you are trying to deploy IBM Content Navigator

Configuration and deployment task log files

The IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool generates several different types of logging information for each task that you run when you configure and deploy an instance of IBM Content Navigator. You can use these files to troubleshoot problems that you encounter when building and deploying the web application:
Task status log files
The IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool generates a log file for each task that is included in a deployment profile.
  • Tasks that completed successfully have the .ok file extension.
  • Tasks that failed have the .failed file extension.
The task status log files are in the configure/profiles/profile_name/status subdirectory of the IBM Content Navigator installation directory.
Task log files
The IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool records errors and informational messages that are displayed in the Console section of the interface. The IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool generates a log file for each task that is included in a deployment profile. The .log files are in the configure/tmp subdirectory of the IBM Content Navigator installation directory.

IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool log files

The IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool generates log files that you can use to troubleshoot problems with the IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool that are not related to the success or failure of the configuration and deployment tasks.
Application log file
The IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool also generates a log file that can be used to troubleshoot problems with the application. The .log file is in the logs/nexus_configmgr_workspace/.metadata subdirectory of the IBM Content Navigator installation directory.
Tip: The .log file and the .metadata directory are hidden. You need to enable the display of hidden files and folders to collect the .log file.
Debug-level log files
If you enable debug-level logging for the IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool, the configmgrN.log file is written to the logs subdirectory of the IBM Content Navigator installation directory.