IBM Content Navigator Release Notes

The Release Notes document provides a list of topics and links that you can use when you install IBM® Content Navigator. This document also includes information that is related to compatibility, installation, and other configuration issues.


System requirements

Go to the page at Software Product Compatibility Reports to create a high-level report for operating systems, related software, hypervisors, and supported translations.

Installing IBM Content Navigator

For an overview of the installation, configuration, and deployment tasks that you must complete, see the following topic: Getting IBM Content Navigator components up and running in Planning, Installing, and Configuring IBM Content Navigator.

For installation instructions, see the following topic: Installing IBM Content Navigator in Planning, Installing, and Configuring IBM Content Navigator.

Known problems and limitations

Known problems are documented as separate technotes on the IBM Support site. As problems are discovered and resolved, the IBM Support team updates the Support site. By searching the Support site, you can find workarounds or solutions to problems.

Technote to Known Issues.

Added components for IBM FileNet Collaboration Services

IBM FileNet® Collaboration Services is now bundled with IBM Content Navigator. Previously, IBM FileNet Collaboration Services was packaged separately.

Even though IBM FileNet Collaboration Services is packaged with IBM Content Navigator, you do not need to use IBM Content Navigator to use IBM FileNet Collaboration Services. You can use both applications only if your license agreement entitles you to use both applications.

Installing IBM FileNet Collaboration Services

IBM FileNet Collaboration Services is installed with IBM Content Navigator. You can configure and deploy the applications together or separately. For more information, see the topics in the IBM Content Navigator documentation:

APARs fixed in this release

The following technote contains a list of APARs that are included with IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.12: Fixlist for IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.12