Configuring the Recycle Bin feature

You can configure the Recycle Bin feature to allow your users to place documents into the Recycle Bin and remove them or restore them later. You can configure a personal Recycle Bin for a user, a Recycle Bin shared by a group, or both.

To configure the Recycle Bin feature, you must install the Recycle Bin plug-in, enable the Recycle Bin on the repository, and configure a desktop for Recycle Bin.

To install the Recycle Bin plug-in, complete the following steps:
  1. Log in to IBM® Content Navigator and open the Administration desktop.
  2. Go to Plug-Ins in the Administration desktop.
  3. For New Plug-in, enter the RecycleBinPlugin.jar full path in the JAR file path and click Load. The RecycleBinPlugin.jar can be found in <ICN_INSTALL_HOME>\plugins.

    In a container environment, the IBM Content Navigator plug-in path is /opt/ibm/intPlugins/recycleBin/RecycleBinPlugin.jar.

  4. The following actions are displayed: Move to Recycle Bin, Refresh, Delete All, Delete, and Restore. Click Save.

Enable the Recycle Bin on the repository

To enable the Recycle Bin feature, you must have permission to create a class and a property template. An administration user is preferred. To enable the Recycle Bin feature on the repository, complete the following steps:
  1. Open the Recycle Bin plug-in, and then scroll down to the drop-down list for selecting a repository. Select the repository on which you want to enable Recycle Bin.
  2. Log in to the repository as an administrative user.
  3. By default, Recycle Bin is not enabled on a repository. Select Enable to enable Recycle Bin on the repository.
  4. Select a mode:
    • Personal Mode: Only the personal Recycle Bin is available. Documents are moved to the personal Recycle Bin by default, and users cannot select a Recycle Bin.
    • Group Mode: There can be multiple Recycle Bins available to users, depending on what the administrator configures in ACCE. In this mode, only the group Recycle Bin is visible. If multiple group Recycle Bins are displayed, they are shown in the order that is defined in Content Platform Engine. The Recycle Bin that is listed first is the default.
    • Personal and group: This mode shows both the personal Recycle Bin and any assigned group Recycle Bin. The personal Recycle Bin is shown first and is the default.
  5. You can optionally define a sweep policy by specifying an expiration date, which allows the system to automatically remove all documents older than the date you specify.

Configuring a desktop for Recycle Bin

To configure a desktop for Recycle Bin, complete the following steps:
  1. Go to the IBM Content Navigator administration view, and then go to Menus.
  2. Locate and then select the Default document context menu. Search for default document by filtering.
  3. Click Copy on the toolbar.
  4. Give the copied menu a name, such as Document Context Menu with recycle bin. Add the Move to Recycle Bin action from the available list to the selected list. Save your changes.
  5. (Optional) If you want to use Recycle Bin in the teamspace feature, repeat Step 2-4 with the Default teamspace content list context menu menu.
  6. Go to Desktops in the administration desktop and edit your desktop.
  7. Go to the Menus tab and find Document context menu.
  8. Select Document Context Menu with recycle bin from the drop-down list, and then save your changes.
  9. (Optional) To use Recycle Bin in the teamspace feature, change the Teamspace content list context menu to the newly created custom teamspace menu.
  10. Go to the Layout tab and select Recycle Bin from the feature list.
  11. Select a repository in the feature configuration. Only repositories with Recycle Bin that is enabled are listed. Select at least one repository and set the default repository.
  12. Save the desktop.

Refresh your browser. The Recycle Bin is displayed in the feature list. You also see the Move to Recycle Bin menu when you right-click on a document. You can remove everything from your recycle bin by selecting Delete All, and provided you have the Delete permission.

Preventing users from emptying the Recycle Bin

If you want to prevent users from deleting documents that they have placed in the Recycle Bin, you can customize the toolbar and context menu on the Recycle Bin to remove the Delete All option.

Upgrading from IBM Content Navigator 3.0.5

When you complete your upgrade from IBM Content Navigator 3.0.5, complete the following steps for the Recycle Bin feature:
  1. (Important) Clean the browser cache.
  2. Open the IBM Content Navigator administration desktop, and then go to Plug-ins.
  3. Open the Recycle Bin Plug-in.
  4. Click Load, and then Save.
  5. Refresh the browser.
  The Recycle Bin mode remains in Personal mode after an upgrade.

Configuring the group Recycle Bin

Before you can enable and use the group mode, you must complete the following steps:
  1. Configure the Recycle Bin in ACCE:
    1. Log in to ACCE, and then open the object store for which you want to create a Recycle Bin.
    2. Right-click Recovery Bins.
    3. Enter a name for the New Recovery Bins, and then click Next > Finish.
    4. Open the Security tab for the newly created recovery bins.
    5. Assign users and groups.
    6. For the Apply to option, select This object and all children, and then assign permissions.
  2. Select the Recycle Bin mode in the Recycle Bin Plug-in:
    1. Open the IBM Content Navigator administration desktop and go to Plug-ins > Recycle Bin plug-in.
    2. Connect to the repository where you want to use the Recycle Bin.
    3. Select Group or Personal and Group.

In V3.0.10, a Recycled By column is added to the Group recycle bin mode. Recycled By displays the user who moved the document to the recycle bin. You can sort the data in the Recycled By column.

Configuring the Recycle bin schedule

You configure when files in the recycle bin are deleted.
  1. Select a Day of Week. If you select Run Continuously, the files are frequently monitored for deletion.
  2. Enter a Start time. This option is deactivated if you select Run Continuously.
  3. Enter the File expiration days. This option is the number of days that the files are kept. When the file is older than this number of days, it is deleted based on your entries for day and time, or for continuous deletion. For example,
    • You want files to be deleted on Monday at 1:00 PM when they are older than 30 days. Select Monday for Day of Week, 1 pm for Start time, and 30 for File expiration days.