Compatibility matrix

The following tables indicates which versions of the IBM Content Manager components can be used together. The combinations apply to installations on separate computers. Combinations that use incompatible versions are not supported.

Compatibility between library server or resource manager with client

    8.4.2 8.4.3 8.5 8.6
Client 8.4.2 x x x  
8.4.3 x x x  
8.5 x x x x
8.6     x x

x indicates a compatible combination. For example, a V8.5 client is compatible with the V8.6 servers, which includes the following systems:

  • V8.5 system administration client communicating with V8.6 library server or V8.6 resource manager
  • Any application using the IBM Content Manager API V8.5 communicating with V8.6 library server or V8.6 resource manager


  • Server components: Library server and resource manager
  • Client components: System administration client, and custom applications that use the IBM Content Manager API
  • For DB2 Text Search support, all system administrator clients, IBM Content Manager API, and library servers must be at V8.5 or higher.
  • In IBM Content Manager V8.4.x, the Client components also included eClient, Client for Windows, WEBI, and Information Integrator for Content (II4C).
  • Important: Each version of the product has its own lifecycle; this means that a version of the product might be compatible, but no longer supported. For example, V8.4.3 clients are compatible with a V8.5 server, but all V8.4.3 components went out of standard support in 2016. To find out which versions are supported, see the IBM Support - Software lifecycle web page.

Compatibility between library server and resource manager

    Library server
    8.4.2 8.4.3 8.5 8.6
Resource manager 8.4.2 x x x  
8.4.3 x x x  
8.5     x x
8.6       x

x indicates a compatible combination.

You are recommended to install or upgrade the library server first, and then install or upgrade the resource manager. Therefore, the V8.6 resource manager is compatible with only V8.6 of the library server; it is not compatible with earlier versions (V8.4.2, V8.4.3, and V8.5).