Db2 Text Search Services Support configuration options

The constructors.xml file contains the IBM Content Collector Db2 Text Search Services Support configuration that is required for indexing items using the IBM Db2 Text Search Services.

About this task

After you have adapted the settings in the constructors.xml file to fit your environment, the values do not have to be changed or reset, unless settings in your IBM Content Manager environment change.
If you want to enable logging, tracing, and dump options for debug purposes in Db2 Text Search Services Support, you must set the respective configuration options in the constructors.xml file. The configuration options that are used by Db2 Text Search Services Support are listed between the XML element named <customConfig name="ICC:Settings">. Logging and tracing in Db2 Text Search Services Support cannot be enabled by using the IBM Content Manager.
  • The names of the configuration options are not case-sensitive.
  • If the option value is of type Boolean, the value must be either 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled), or true or false.
  • If the option value is of type String, and the value is empty, leave the string empty. Do not indicate an empty string by using double quotation marks.
  • Do not specify any file system paths to a directory between quotation marks.
Adapt the settings according to your environment:
Value type: String
Specifies the Library Server ID to connect to the Content Manager repository in plain text. This option is set by IBM Content Collector when the item type is configured for IBM Db2 Text Search Services during initial configuration.
Value type: String
Default value: afu_ctor_password.dat
Specifies the name of a file from which the IBM Content Manager Library Server password is read. Db2 Text Search Services Support searches for afu_ctor_password.dat in the plug-ins directory by default.

The name for the .dat file can be any custom name, and the directory of the file deployed can be other than the plug-ins directory. However, in such case, the entire physical path to the location of the .dat file needs to be provided.

Value type: String
Specifies the Library Server database name to connect to the Content Manager repository in plain text. This option is set by IBM Content Collector when the item type is configured for IBM Db2 Text Search Services.
Value type: String
Specifies the Library Server schema to connect to the Content Manager repository in plain text. This option is set by IBM Content Collector when the item type is configured for IBM Db2 Text Search Services.
Value type: String
Default value: ICM
Indicates to the Web Application server, the document types to be processed belong to IBM Content Manager component.
Value type: String
Default value: ./log/dump (The dump directory in the log subdirectory where IBM Db2 Text Search Services is installed.)

Specifies the name of the directory to which dump files are written in corresponding sub-directories. When you enable the dump facility by specifying a dump directory, you must also enable at least one of the dump input configuration options.

Value: Boolean
Default: False
Generates dump files of all the input documents in the doc subdirectory of the specified dump directory. A copy of the original document is created in the original (binary) format and encoding; each dump file name contains the document identifier.
Value: Boolean
Default: False
Generates dump files of all generated XML documents in the xml subdirectory of the specified dump directory. Each dump file name contains the document identifier. The XML file serves as input to the indexing engine.

Enabling this setting, generates a copy of the XML file that contains the textual content that is passed to the indexing engine. The XML file does not indicate what content was successfully indexed by IBM DB2 Text Search Services.

It permits checking the structure in which textual content is to be stored in the index. If you add custom attributes or change existing attribute path descriptions, you can use the XML file to check that the modified attribute path descriptions are correctly defined. Note that IBM Db2 Text Search Services creates the XML dump files after a certain delay after the documents were processed.
Value: Boolean
Default: False
Generates dump files of all the textual content of the embedded attachments in the txt subdirectory of the specified dump directory. A copy of the textual content of the embedded attachment is created; each dump file names contains the document identifier and the attachment name.
Value type: String
Possible values: Error, Warning, Information, Trace
Default value: Warning
Log level Trace writes system and trace messages to trace files in the logging directory. Because logging and tracing cannot be enabled separately for email or Microsoft SharePoint documents, the log files can contain a mix of all source documents and can become very large; the first enabled logging settings that are encountered in the configuration file are applied to all source documents defined in the file.

In case the indexing is performed on multiple item types belonging to different sources, the same log file will be populated with the set log level.

Value type: String
Default value: ./log (The log subdirectory where IBM Db2 Text Search Services is installed.)
Specifies the logging directory to which the Db2 Text Search Services Support log and trace files are written. The log and trace files that are created by Db2 Text Search Services Support use the following naming convention:
  • ContentCollector_yyyymmdd_hhmm.system.log for all system messages.
  • ContentCollector_yyyymmdd_hhmm.trace.log for all system and trace messages when log level Trace is selected.
Log files use timestamps in their names. You should keep to the default timestamp for the log file names so that there is a new set of log files each time the Db2 Text Search Services Support run.
Value type: Integer
Default value: 1
Specifies the number of log or trace files that are generated. By default, only one file is generated.
Value type: String
Specifies the name of an XSL file that describes the XML transformation that is applied to the generated XML document before it is sent to IBM Db2 Text Search Services. You can specify a file name with or without the file path. If you do not specify a path, the file is searched in the plug-ins subdirectory of the IBM Db2 Text Search Services. This option is usually only required for Microsoft SharePoint document classes in which case XmlTransformationXslFile automatically points to the XSL file afu_sp.xsl which is provided by Db2 Text Search Services Support.