Configuring Db2 Text Search Services Support manually

Complete these steps to configure Db2 Text Search Services Support manually if you do not want to store the Db2 Text Search Services Support configuration in the configuration store.

About this task

Db2 Text Search Services Support requires the following set of configuration files:

constructors.xml: This file contains all the configuration data that is required by Db2 Text Search Services Support, for example, the server connection and authentication data, logging, and trace information, as well as the default attribute and archive attribute mappings.

In IBM Db2 Text Search Services, the constructors.xml file contains the configuration data for all optional document constructors that are installed in IBM Db2 Search Services. This means that a constructors.xml file will always exist and might contain the configuration data for other constructors that are not IBM Content Collector constructors.

afu_ctor_password.dat: This file contains the IBM Content Manager connection password in an encrypted form if the password is not retrieved from the IBM Content Collector configuration store.

Db2 Text Search Services Support provides sample configuration files that are in the samples sub directory of the installation folder where Db2 Text Search Services Support is installed. The default path is C:\Program Files\IBM\ContentCollector_DB2TS_Support/samples for Windows, and /opt/IBM/ContentCollector_DB2TS_Support/samples in UNIX and Linux environments. Sample files exist for Email, File System, and Microsoft SharePoint source system documents for IBM Content Manager.

To configure and enable Db2 Text Search Services Support manually:
  1. Backup and empty the content of the constructor.xml file that is inserted with the Db2TS Support installation.
  2. For IBM Db2 Text Search Services, copy everything between the begin and end tag from the appropriate document source sample configuration file in the samples sub directory of the installation folder where Db2 Text Search Services Support is installed and add this to the \config\constructors.xml file between the begin and end tag. The configuration file must contain separate sections for each document source that you selected at installation time.
  3. Add a password file called afu_ctor_password.dat in the <DB2TextSearchServicesInstallDir>\plugins\ directory of IBM Db2 Text Search Services and add the password in plain text format. This file can be configured using the <ArchivePasswordFile> tag. The password is encrypted during the initialization of Db2 Text Search Services Support when IBM Db2 Text Search Services is started.
  4. Adapt constructor configuration settings as per the samples provided. The attribute mappings section includes custom mappings that you might want to modify.
  5. The trace and log settings for Db2 Text Search Services Support are set to false by default. Modify the trace level and the dump settings as per your need.
  6. You should not remove any of the attributes and archive attributes that are in the configuration sample files because they are required by Content Collector. Only add new entries to the existing attributes or adapt the existing attributes if required.
  7. Alternatively, the IBM Db2 Text Search Services server instance can be started manually by running the start-up command file in <Db2TextSearchServicesInstallDir>\bin.