Configuration files for enabling access to archived data

Depending on the type of source document and on the type of your repository, IBM® Content Collector requires different definitions in the configuration files for enabling the access to archived data from a Content Collector web client. The configuration files are the archive mapping and search configuration files.

Entries in the archive mapping file define and map these elements, depending on the repository that you use:
IBM Content Manager repository
  • Define logical names for attributes
  • Map search fields and document types to attributes, to fields in the full-text index, and to item types that are available in IBM Content Manager
FileNet® P8 repository
  • Define logical names for properties
  • Map search fields and document types to properties, to zones in the full-text index, and to document classes that are available in FileNet P8
Note: For File System and Microsoft SharePoint, you do not need to perform these tasks. You might need to identify additional collections or document classes. See the topic about collections.

Documents from File System, Microsoft SharePoint, or Notes application sources are archived into one given item type or document class. Therefore, for each of these sources only one collection is defined that contains the field for the archived properties. This collection does not refer to any other collection. An archive mapping file for these systems must exist so that you can retrieve such documents from the archive. If your system is set up for File System or SharePoint only, a basic search configuration file must also exist. If you configured your repository during the initial configuration of Content Collector, the configuration database already contains a default configuration for the Content Collector item type or document class.

When you configure the archive mapping file, you also have to consider the email data model that is used for archiving:
Bundled email data model
An archived email document consists of a set of attributes that are common to all instances of the email document, such as the email document itself or its subject, and multiple sets of attributes that are unique to each instance of the email document, such as the mailbox from which the email document was archived. Attachments are part of the email document, they are not stored separately.
Compound email data model
An archived email document consists of a set of attributes that are common to all instances of the email document, such as the email document itself or its subject, and multiple sets of attributes that are unique to each instance of the email document, such as the mailbox from which the email document was archived. Attachments are stored separately. When attachments are archived, Content Collector checks for duplicates and ensures that each attachment is stored only once in the archive (deduplication).
The search configuration file consists of templates that define the layout of the Email search page. Each template comprises these major elements:
<collections> section
Defines the search scope. Queries that use this template search all collections that are listed here. For each collection, the properties that are defined in the declaration section are mapped to fields in archive mapping file. Note that you can use only those properties that are defined in the declaration section when you define the actual page layout.
<declaration> section
Defines which properties are used by this template
<form> section
Defines which properties are used in the input fields on the Email search page
<result> section
Defines which fields are shown on the result page and in which order those fields are shown

For all configuration files, templates are provided with the product. These template files are stored in the directory <installDir>\Configuration\initialConfig\data\search. The configuration files that are created during the initial configuration of IBM Content Collector are stored in subdirectories of the directory <installDir>\Configuration\initialConfig\data\search\output. The subdirectories are \cm for IBM Content Manager and \p8 for FileNet P8. The templates for use with legacy item types, documents archived from Notes applications, and for customized search are stored in the directory <installDir>\AFUWeb\afu\config\templates, where installDir is the directory where you installed IBM Content Collector.

Template configuration files Description
afu_cm_search_config_template.xml Template search configuration file for a IBM Content Manager repository.
afu_bundled_cm_search_mapping_template.xml Template archive mapping file for a IBM Content Manager repository with the bundled email data model.
afu_compound_cm_search_mapping_template.xml Template archive mapping file for a IBM Content Manager repository with the compound email data model.
afu_p8_search_config_template.xml Template search configuration file for a FileNet P8 repository.
afu_compound_p8_search_mapping_template.xml Template archive mapping file for a FileNet P8 repository with IBM Legacy Content Search Engine as the content search engine.
afu_p8_compound_CSS_search_mapping_template.xml Template archive mapping file for a FileNet P8 repository with IBM Content Search Services as the content search engine.
afu_db2ts_search_config_template.xml Template search configuration file for a IBM Content Manager repository with Db2TS.
afu_cm8_compound_db2ts_search_mapping_template.xml Template archive mapping file for a IBM Content Manager repository with the compound email data model for Db2TS.
Configuration files for use with legacy item types Description
CS_CM_attribute_collection_search_config.xml Template search configuration file for attribute search on legacy item types (stored by IBM CommonStore in IBM Content Manager).
CS_CM_full_text_collection_search_config.xml Template search configuration file for full-text search on legacy item types (stored by IBM CommonStore in IBM Content Manager).
CS_CM_doc_type_collection_search_mapping.xml Template archive mapping file for a collection containing legacy item types (stored by IBM CommonStore in IBM Content Manager).
Configuration files for customized search Description
afu_customized_sample_search_config_template.xml Template search configuration file for customized search.
afu_customized_sample_cm_search_mapping.xml Template archive mapping file for customized search in IBM Content Manager.
afu_customized_sample_p8_search_mapping.xml Template archive mapping file for a customized search in FileNet P8 when the content search engine is IBM Legacy Content Search Engine.
afu_p8_bundled_search_mapping.xml Template archive mapping file for the email data model for FileNet P8 that was used in versions before IBM Content Collector, Version 2.1.1.
Configuration files for viewing documents archived from Notes applications Description
afu_application_archiving_search_config_template.xml Template search configuration file for documents archived from Notes applications.
afu_cm_application_archiving_search_mapping_template.xml Template archive mapping file for documents archived from Notes applications in IBM Content Manager.
afu_p8_application_archiving_search_mapping_template.xml Template archive mapping file for documents archived from Notes applications in FileNet P8.
Configuration files for viewing documents other than email Description
afu_cm_filesystem_search_config.xml Template configuration file for file-system documents that were archived in a IBM Content Manager repository.
afu_cm_filesystem_search_mapping_template.xml Template mapping file for file-system documents that were archived in an IBM Content Manager repository.
afu_cm_sharepoint_search_config.xml Template configuration file for SharePoint documents that were archived in an IBM Content Manager repository.
afu_cm_sharepoint_search_mapping_template.xml Template mapping file for SharePoint documents that were archived in an IBM Content Manager repository.
afu_p8_filesystem_search_config.xml Template configuration file for file-system documents that were archived in a FileNet P8 repository.
afu_p8_filesystem_search_mapping_template.xml Template mapping file for file-system documents that were archived in a FileNet P8 repository.
afu_p8_sharepoint_search_config.xml Template configuration file for SharePoint documents that were archived in a FileNet P8 repository.
afu_p8_sharepoint_search_mapping_template.xml Template mapping file for SharePoint documents that were archived in a FileNet P8 repository.

You can modify the archive mapping file by using the graphical user interface of the Configuration Manager. To change the configuration of the archived-data access manually, you must export the configuration files to a directory of your choice by using the Configuration Manager. Make sure to save a backup copy of the configuration files before changing or adding any entries. Edit the configuration files and change or add entries as required. Import the changed configuration files into the Content Collector configuration database by using the Configuration Manager. Save the configuration and restart the web application server for the changes to take effect.