Software prerequisites

Ensure that you have the necessary software installed at version levels that this release of IBM® Content Collector supports.

Check the requirements for the software that you need for Content Collector, for the source systems that contain the documents to be archived, and for the repositories in which you want to archive the documents.

For the most current software requirements, including versions, see Prerequisites for IBM Content Collector 4.0.1.

In addition, consider the following requirements:

  • Content Collector with Microsoft Exchange Hybrid:
    • Before configuring Content Collector with Microsoft Exchange Hybrid, you must complete all the prerequisites outlined in Microsoft Hybrid documentation and use the Hybrid Configuration Wizard to create and configure your Exchange Hybrid deployment.
    • To use Exchange Hybrid with Content Collector, the On-premises Exchange server certificate should have the Subject set to CN=autodiscover.<domain>.com and include the following list of hostnames in the Subject Alternate Name (SAN) list:
      • DNS Name=autodiscover.<domain>.com
      • DNS Name=AutoDiscover.<tenant>
      • DNS Name=<domain>.com
      • DNS Name=<tenant>
      • DNS Name=<On-prem_exchange_host-name>
      • DNS Name=<On-prem_exchange_FQDN>
  • To use Lotus® Domino® as a source system:
    • Install Lotus Domino Server on the IBM Content Collector server and disable the Lotus Domino service.
    • Prerequisite for using IBM Content Collector Server: If you currently use the Domino Server 9.0.1 fix pack 10 or earlier, you need to uninstall the Domino Server and install the Notes client 12 after the end of service (EOS) of Domino Server 9.0.1 fix pack 10.
      Note: Starting with Content Collector 4.0.1 fix pack 13 (, you need to install the Notes client 12 on the IBM Content Collector server instead of the Domino server.
    • Install Lotus Domino Client on client machines.
  • To use Microsoft Exchange as a source system:
    1. Install Microsoft Outlook, including the latest service packs and patches on the IBM Content Collector server.
    2. Start Microsoft Outlook and verify its connection to the email server: Create a profile and then log on to Microsoft Exchange with the user ID that you intend to use as the user account for the IBM Content Collector Email Connector service.
    3. Make Microsoft Outlook the default email client.
    4. Configure Microsoft Outlook to prompt for a profile every time Outlook is started.
    5. Stop Microsoft Outlook before you install IBM Content Collector Server.
  • To use Content Manager as your repository:
    • Install and configure the IBM Content Manager V8 API (called IBM Information Integrator for Content in Content Manager versions before 8.5) on the server on which Content Collector is to be installed.
    • If you want to search documents that are archived in IBM Content Manager, install IBM Content Collector Text Search Support on the IBM Content Manager server before you install Content Collector. On the Solaris Operating Environment, the text-search component requires the iconv package.
    • Content Collector 4.0.1 fix pack 13 ( If you want to index documents that are archived in IBM Content Manager, you need to install IBM Content Collector Db2 Text Search Service Support on the IBM Content Manager server with Db2TS configurations.
  • To use IBM FileNet® P8 as your repository:
    • Depending on the version of FileNet P8 that you are using, you need to install different supporting software. See the System Requirements technote.
    • IBM FileNet P8 Content Engine Server must be installed and configured. If you want to support content-based searches, IBM FileNet P8 Content Engine Server must also be configured for content-based retrieval (CBR). For further information, see the section on configuring Content Engine for CBR in the FileNet P8 documentation.
    • IBM FileNet P8 Content Engine .NET Clients must be installed to enable communication between the FileNet P8 Content Engine Server, and the IBM Content Collector Configuration Manager, and the IBM Content Collector FileNet P8 Connector service. This installer is integrated in the FileNet P8 Content Engine Server installer's .NET Clients option.
    • Optional: Install IBM FileNet Enterprise Manager on the machine where the Content Engine Server is installed. This is a subitem under the .NET Clients option in the FileNet P8 Content Engine Server installer.
    • FileNet P8 Content Engine Client and the FileNet Java Client API must be installed before IBM Content Collector Server is installed. If the FileNet Java Client API is not installed, a warning icon (a red exclamation mark) will be shown in the initial configuration and no FileNet P8 connection can be created.

      To install the FileNet P8 Content Engine Java clients component, run the FileNet P8 Content Engine Client installer. Select Other Applications on the FileNet P8 Content Engine Client installer. This will trigger the installation of the FileNet Java Client API libraries. These are required by the Content Collector Initial Configuration, Content Collector Web Services, and the Configuration Manager General Settings.

    • Ensure that the FileNet P8 Content Engine client installation on the IBM Content Collector server is always at the same software version level (such as fix packs) as the FileNet P8 Content Engine server installation. Note that the Java libraries in CEClient\lib are copied to the Content Collector Web Services deployment during installation. If a FileNet Java Client update is required, the newer versions of these files must be copied to AFUWeb\lib.
    • Install IBM FileNet Content Search Engine on a server other than the IBM FileNet Content Engine server. Install the client application for one or both of the search engine options that are supported by FileNet P8 Content Engine:
      IBM Content Search Services
      Searching and index creation are resource-intensive operations. Depending on the available system resources, the following configurations might apply:
      • Multiple instances of IBM Content Search Services can be collocated on the same server.
      • IBM Content Search Services can be collocated with IBM Legacy Content Search Engine.
      Before collocating, contact your IBM representative for assistance with system sizing.
      IBM Legacy Content Search Engine
      You cannot collocate the Master Administration Server and an Administration Server on the same server.

      Searching and index creation are resource-intensive operations. As a best practice, do not collocate IBM Legacy Content Search Engine with other FileNet P8 components.

      For further information, see the section on installing Content Search Engine in the FileNet P8 documentation.
  • For indexing documents that are archived with IBM Content Collector with IBM Content Search Services, install IBM Content Collector P8 Content Search Services Support on the IBM Content Search Services server.
  • A web application server is required to provide access to configuration data and archived documents. It hosts the Content Collector web applications. IBM Content Collector comes with an embedded web application server. However, you can deploy some of the web applications to an external web application server.

    The IBM Content Collector web applications support these web browsers: Apple Safari, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Firefox.