Additional prerequisites and restrictions

Check the listed additional prerequisites and restrictions before you install Content Collector and ensure the prerequisites are met.

Considerations for the source system

Table 1. Considerations for the source system
Source system Prerequisites and restrictions
Lotus® Domino®
  • If you want to use iNotes [formerly Domino Web Access (DWA)], configure iNotes on Lotus Domino Server.
    Important: For Lotus® iNotes® in Lotus Domino® 8.5.1 and above, specify the Extension Forms File Forms85_x.nsf, which must exist in the iNotes directory on the Lotus Domino server. If the file does not exist, you must create it before you can enable Content Collector features in Lotus iNotes . For details, see Creating an extension forms file.
  • Ensure that the Lotus Domino server that Content Collector archives from is restarted after all enablement for Content Collector has been completed.
  • When you use IBM Lotus Domino Attachment and Object Store (DAOS) and want to restore your documents back to Lotus Notes®, the attachments of the documents are not restored to DAOS.
  • You can make the Content Collector functions available on Citrix on a virtual desktop, as installed application that is accessed from a server, as application that is streamed to server, or as application that is streamed to client. For more information, refer to Prerequisites for providing Content Collector functions in a Lotus Notes client running on Citrix.
Microsoft Exchange You can make Content Collector Outlook Extension available on Citrix on a virtual desktop, as installed application that is accessed from a server, as application that is streamed to server, or as application that is streamed to client. For more information, refer to Prerequisites for running Content Collector Outlook Extension on Citrix.

Considerations for the target system

Table 2. Considerations for the target system
Target system Prerequisites and restrictions
IBM Content Manager
  • Use only the characters a-z, A-Z, and 0-9 of the Latin-1 character set in the names of the index directory and the index working directory.
  • To use Content Collector Text Search Support to index and search your documents in a IBM Content Manager repository, these considerations apply:
    • Install the text-search component and enable the repository for search before you install the Content Collector Server because the server uses the files and functions that are installed by this component. For more information, see the section on enabling an IBM Content Manager repository for search.
    • If IBM Content Manager is installed on more than one server, install Content Collector Text Search Support on the Content Manager machine where the library server and Net Search Extender are installed and not where the resource manager is installed.
    • On Linux®, use a shell that uses the .profile script. Otherwise, the RC file of the instance owner user ID is not updated.
    • On operating systems such as AIX® or Linux, the library server name is case-sensitive. If, during the installation of the text-search component, you create a directory in the library server administration directory with the same name as the library server, the name must match with regard to the case.
    • On Windows, install the text-search component on the server on which DB2® is installed.
    • Before you install the text-search component and run any of the indexer tools, you must define the environment variable DB2HOME. This environment variable is used to determine Net Search Extender (NSE) template configuration settings and must point to the DB2 installation directory, for example on Windows, to C:\Program Files\IBM\sqllib. It is recommended that you define this environment variable permanently on all platforms.
    • If you install the text-search component on a IBM Content Manager machine where the default DB2 administrator ID is not administrator, but db2admin1 for example, the installation might fail because the Net Search Extender service cannot be stopped. Stop the Net Search Extender service manually before you start installing the text-search component.
IBM Content Manager with IBM Db2 Text Search (Db2TS) Content Collector 4.0.1 fix pack 13 ( If you want to use the Content Collector Db2 Text Search Services Support to index and search your documents in IBM Content Manager repository, the following is applicable:
  • Use only the characters a-z, A-Z, and 0-9 of the Latin-1 character set in the names of the index collection directory.
  • Install the text-search component and complete the post-processing steps before you create a catalogue with Content Collector Server because the server uses the constructors deployed by this component and requires the Db2TS service to be up and running.
  • If IBM Content Manager is installed on more than one server, install Content Collector Db2 Text Search Services Support on the Content Manager machine where the library server and Db2 Text Search Services are installed.
Prerequisites for installing the Text Search component

For installing the component on the server where Db2 is installed:

  1. Define environment variables:
    1. Db2HOME: This variable is used to determine the Db2 Text Search configuration settings and must point to the Db2 installation directory. For example, Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB.

      It is recommended that you define the Db2HOME variable permanently on all the platforms.

    2. IBMCMROOT: Define this variable for all the non-Windows platforms. For example, /opt/IBM/db2cmv8/.
  2. Stop the Db2 Text Search service manually.
You are now ready to install the Text Search component. remember to start the service that you stopped in step 2.
IBM FileNet® P8
Without content based retrieval
A FileNet® P8 object store with a file storage area must exist. See the section on creating object stores in the FileNet P8 documentation for further information.
Important: Set up your target object store with a file storage area as the default content store. A file storage area stores content in a network-accessible directory.
Enabled for content based retrieval
  • A FileNet P8 object store with a file storage area must exist. To support content-based searches, the object store must be enabled for content-based retrieval (CBR). See the section on creating object stores in the FileNet P8 documentation for further information.
    Important: Set up your target object store with a file storage area as the default content store. A file storage area stores content in a network-accessible directory. To prepare your system for index area creation, each file storage area that will be full-text indexed must be accessible by both FileNet P8 Content Engine and the server that will perform the full-text indexing. The index area is required for retrieving email and other documents by searching their content.

    For performance reasons it is recommended that the FileNet P8 Content Engine has direct access to the file storage area and that the index servers access this area remotely. Conversely, it is strongly recommended that the index server has direct access to index and temporary directories and that the FileNet P8 Content Engine accesses these remotely.

  • With Content Collector 4.0.1, you have the option to work with object stores that are enabled for content-based retrieval with either IBM Legacy Content Search Engine (IBM FileNet P8 5.1) or IBM Content Search Services (IBM FileNet P8 5.1 or later, or IBM Content Foundation 5.2).

    For Content Collector 3.0, the Autonomy style sheet for use with IBM Legacy Content Search Engine was updated. Therefore, if you upgraded to Content Collector 4.0.1 from an earlier product version than version 3, you must change any existing index area and re-create the index as described in the documentation for FileNet P8 Content Search Engine.

  • When you archive email into object stores where the indexing server is IBM Legacy Content Search Engine, ensure that the temporary directory of the Text Extraction Connector is on a separate disk.

For attachment deduplication or if you want to work with FileNet P8 deduplication (which also works for content that was stored by other applications than Content Collector) in general instead of using Content Collector deduplication, you must enable suppression of duplicate content elements on the FileNet P8 storage area. You can do this, for example, in FileNet Enterprise Manager by selecting the respective option on the Configuration tab of the storage area property sheet. By default, Content Engine does not check for duplicate content.

Security considerations for Configuration Manager

The user who runs Configuration Manager must have sufficient permissions to read the Windows Registry. In addition, User Account Control (UAC) or any other security policies must not prohibit Configuration Manager from starting other processes.

Considerations for the web application server

Set up an alias for the machine that runs the web application server. The alias must not be tied to the machine name and it must be resolvable to the machine that runs the web application server.

Use this alias for the host name to be more flexible with your system setup. The address information for the web application server machine becomes an unchanging part of the links in stub documents. When you work with the fully qualified host name and this host name changes, all stub links are broken. To avoid problems with the generated links, use the alias.

Web applications that do not require platform-dependent code (such as access to a mail server) can be deployed to an external web application server that runs on a Linux, AIX, or a 32-bit or 64-bit Windows operating system.

Note that in this case, the alias must address the external web application server for stub links to work.

General considerations

The Java™ Virtual Machine and several Content Collector components do not accept special characters in the installation path. Use only the characters a-z, A-Z, and 0-9 of the Latin-1 character set.

If you are running anti-virus software on the IBM Content Collector Server machine, exclude all temporary working directories from the virus scan. If the antivirus software detects and deletes a virus in a document, Content Collector cannot process the document.

Do not set the environment variable JAVA_HOME on the IBM Content Collector Server machine.