Installing Db2 Text Search (Db2TS) Services Support in GUI mode

To install the Db2 Text Search Services Support using the installation wizard on the Db2 Text Search server, follow the procedure given in this topic.


  1. Stop the Db2 Text Search services instance in the CM8 server.
  2. Download and extract the appropriate installation package of Db2 Text Search Services Support where Db2TS services is installed.
  3. Provide the required environment variables:
    Windows: The default location of Db2HOME points to sqllib installation directory. For example, Db2HOME=C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB.

    Non-Windows: The default location of Db2HOME points to sqllib installation directory. For example, export Db2HOME=/home/db2inst1/sqllib.

    The default location of IBMCMROOT points to db2cmv8 installation directory. For example, export IBMCMROOT=/opt/IBM/db2cmv8/.

  4. Start the installer by running install.exe on Windows and install.bin on non-Windows.
  5. Answer the remaining prompts as the installer guides you through the installation process:
    1. Specify an installation folder where Db2 Text Search Services Support is installed or use the default folder. The default path is C:\Program Files (x86)\ibm\ContentCollector_Db2TS_Support for Windows. and /opt/IBM/ContentCollector_Db2TS_Support for non-Windows.
    2. Specify the root directory of the server where Db2 Text Search services config is installed. The default path is C:\ProgramData\IBM\Db2\Db2COPY1\Db2\db2tss for Windows and /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2tss/ for non-Windows.
    3. Specify the root directory of the server where IBM Db2 Text Search services plug-ins is installed. The default path is C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\db2tss for Windows and /opt/ibm/db2/V11.1/db2tss for non-Windows.
    4. Select the source of the documents that will be marked for indexing. Db2 Text Search Services Support modifies the constructor.xml file to deploy Content Collector constructors required depending on the source chosen.
    Note: If the customer plans to update the constructor.xml manually, and does not require a connection to Content Collector, then during Db2TS Services Support installation, enter a dummy value for the host name of the IBM Content Collector Server running the Content Collector web applications. In such a case, when navigating from the Web Application Server page of the installer, an error message will be thrown informing that connection to the Content Collector Web Service could not be established. This message can be ignored, and we can proceed when the dummy value is provided.
    Important: For non-Windows machines, provide full permissions recursively to the config/plugins directories so that the Db2TS Services Support installer can create and update the necessary files post installation.