Configuration files for email search in IBM Content Manager repositories

The archive mapping file maps search fields and document types to information in the repository. The search configuration file defines the layout of the Email Search page in the IBM Content Collector web client, such as the search scope and the contents of the result list.

IBM Content Collector provides templates for both configuration files, the archive mapping file and the search configuration file. Depending on the email data model that you selected during the initial configuration of IBM Content Collector, a default archive-mapping file for the bundled email data model or one for the compound email data model is installed. A default search configuration file is also installed. In the default files, all values that appear in the template files as variables that start and end with percent signs (%), such as %ICC-EMAIL-PROVIDER%, were set during the initial configuration.

You can reuse the definitions for the ICCEmailInstance collection to model further collections as long as they share the same attributes.

You can reuse the definitions for the ICCAttachmentInstance collection to model email collections that share the same item type for storing attachments.

The following field names in the default archive mapping templates must not be changed:

Archive mapping file for the bundled email data model

The bundled email data model requires one IBM Content Manager item type. This item type contains all attributes that are common to all instances of the email document and the content of the email document. This item type is a resource item type. It has a child component that contains the varying attributes of each instance of the email document. This information is used to access a user's individual copy of the email document.

The template for the corresponding archive mapping file contains default collection definitions for the email item type as required for the bundled data model:
Default Mail
Is the collection definition for the email item type that contains the content of the email document
Is the collection definition for the child component that contains the varying attributes of each instance of the email document
The <doc_type> definition in the collection for the email item type contains a reference to the child component:
  <child ref_coll="ICCEmailInstance">
Where ICCEmailInstance is the name of the collection for the child component. In addition, there are field definitions that address fields in the child component. For example, to access the Content Collector attribute holding the user's mailbox, define a reference field for the collection that defines the email instance child component:
<field nm="EMAIL_REF" type="REFERENCE" ref_coll="ICCEmailInstance" multivalue="true">
  <relationship type="CHILD"></relationship>
Then, use the reference field EMAIL_REF to address the MAILBOX_ID attribute:
<field nm="MAILBOX_ID" type="STRING">
The collection ICCEmailInstance has the collection type dependent. You cannot select it for search.

Archive mapping file for the compound email data model

The compound email data model requires one IBM Content Manager item type for all attributes that are common to all instances of the email document and the content of the email document. This item type is a resource item type. It has two child components.

The first child component contains the varying attributes of each instance of the email document. This information is used to access a user's individual copy of the email document. The second child component contains attachment-specific attributes, such as the file name of an attachment and the correlation key that links back to the attachment position in the email document. In addition, this child component contains a reference to the attachment item type. The attachment item type is also a resource item type and holds the attachment content.

The template for the corresponding archive mapping file contains default collection definitions for the email item type as required for the compound email data model:
Default Mail
Is the collection definition for the email item type that contains the content of the email document
Is the collection definition for the child component that contains the varying attributes of each instance of the email document
Is the collection definition for the child component that contains the unique attributes of the attachments and a reference to the actual attachment item type
The definition of the <doc_type> element in the collection for the email item type contains references to both required child components:
  <child ref_coll="ICCEmailInstance">
  <child ref_coll="ICCAttachmentInstance">
Where the values in enclosed in percent signs (%) represent the names of the child components.
In addition, there are field definitions that address fields in the child component. For example, to access the Content Collector attribute holding the correlation key, define a reference field for the collection that defines the attachment child component:
<field nm="ATTACH_REF" type="REFERENCE" ref_coll="ICCAttachmentInstance" multivalue="true">
  <relationship type="CHILD"></relationship>
Then, use the reference field ATTACH_REF to address the correlation key attribute:
<field nm="CORRELATION_KEY" type="STRING">

All collections other than Default Mail have the collection type dependent. You cannot refer to them in your search configuration.

Search configuration file

The template for the search configuration file contains definitions for the search scope, such as the collections and the attributes that are available for search.

Content Collector 4.0.1 fix pack 13 ( To support the federated search functionality provided for searching against NSE and Db2 Text Search (Db2TS) item types, if the NSE item type is added to the mapping file, the collection with collection name NSE Mail, needs to be uncommented from the config file.