Configuring SunLink SNA 9.1 Support for Sun Solaris

For SunLink SNA support, use the following procedure to install and configure the SunLink SUNWpu2.1 SNA server. For SunLink SNA support, configure the SunLink software packages: SUNWlu62, SUNWgmi, SUNWgman, and SUNWpu21. Connect:Direct® for UNIX requires that you configure SUNWgman, SUNWgmi, and SUNWpu21 packages. The SUNWgmi (Graphical Management Interface) generates a working configuration that can be altered to match your needs. This is not an SNA configuration.

  1. Type the following commands to run the PU2.1 setup program:
    # cd /opt/SUNWPU21
    # ./sunsetup
  2. Type 1 to configure the SUNWgman software. You are prompted you to change the root directory:
  3. Type n and press Enter.
  4. Type n and press Enter.

    The setup script prompts you to change the DNS domain name.

  5. Type n and press Enter. The setup script prompts you to change the startup option.
  6. Type n and press Enter.

    The following message prompts you to verify the SUNWgman configuration.

  7. Do one of the following:
    • If the configuration is correct, type y and press Enter.
    • If necessary, type new parameters for each option. Type y and press Enter.
  8. To configure the SUNWgmi software, type 2. The following message prompts you to change the current Help browser.
  9. Type n and press Enter. The script prompts you to change the working directory.
  10. Type n and press Enter. The script prompts you to verify the configuration.
  11. Do one of the following:
    • If the configuration is correct, type y and press Enter.
    • If necessary, type new parameters for each option. Type y and press Enter.
  12. Type 3 to configure SUNWpu21 and press Enter. The setup script prompts you to change the working directory.
  13. Type n and press Enter. The setup script prompts you to change the root directory.
  14. Type n and press Enter. The setup script prompts you to change the startup setting.
  15. Type n and press Enter. The setup script prompts you to verify the configuration.
  16. Do one of the following:
    • If the configuration is correct, type y and press Enter.
    • If necessary, type new parameters for each option. Type y and press Enter.

      You are prompted you to select a task.

  17. Type 4 to start the SUNWgman.
  18. Type the following command to configure SNA LU6.2 definitions: