Sterling B2B Integrator and gentran integration suite

This adapter is used for communicating with the IBM® Sterling B2B Integrator product over the HTTP protocol.

It is capable of streaming XML over HTTP connection as opposed to sending name-value pairs resulting in better performance. However, if you want to use name-value pairs you need to be on a specific GIS fix pack.

Configuration properties

The following are the properties of this adapter:

Table 1. Sterling B2B Integrator configuration properties
Property Description
URL or IRI Enter the URL or IRI (International Resource Identifier) to which the message is to be posted.
Stream XML Document Select this field if you want to send and receive streaming XML documents. If selected, the "HTTP Post Variable" entry box is disabled.
HTTP Post Variable Enter the variable name to which the HTTP post data is to be assigned.
Is Secure If this field is selected, the message is encrypted when being posted to the URL specified.
Key Store Type If Is Secure is checked, set this value to JKS (Java™ Key Store).
Key Store If Is Secure is selected, enter the key store for storing client side digital certificates. If you are using variables instead of the full path names ensure that the variable is defined in the <INSTALL_DIR>/properties/ file.
Key Store Passwd If Is Secure is selected, enter the password to access the key store.
Trust Store If Is Secure is selected, enter the trust store for storing server side digital certificates. If you are using variables instead of the full path names ensure that the variable is defined in the <INSTALL_DIR>/properties/ file.
Trust Store Passwd If Is Secure is selected, enter the password to access the trust store.

If you want to use name-value pairs enter the HTTP post variable name. If you need to specify any additional name-value pairs enter the name and value in the Post Variables tab. In this tab, select the Create New icon and follow the information given in the following table:

Table 2. Sterling B2B Integrator post variable properties
Post Variable Name Enter the name of the post variable.
Post Variable Value Enter the value of the post variable name.