Scheduling and viewing reports

Use License Key Server Administration and Reporting Tool to manually create report definitions and run the report definitions to generate reports. You can save these reports as a snapshot. To automatically generate reports, use the scheduling reports feature.

About this task

When you define a schedule, the following are the various parameters that are associated with a schedule definition.
  • Lifetime: The lifetime parameter determines the time and date that you want the schedule to start, and the date and time you want the schedule to stop.
  • Frequency: Once a schedule begins running, the frequency parameter determines how often the schedule runs. For example, if the first schedule runs at 3 PM and the frequency is set for 3 hours, the next schedule will run at 6 PM. The frequency is defined as follows.
    • Hours: Two schedules are run separated by the number of hours.
    • Days: Two schedules are run separated by the number of days.
    • Weeks: Two schedules are run on a specific day after a specific number of weeks. For example, every three weeks on Tuesday.
    • Months: Two schedules are run on a particular day of a specified month.
    • Years: Two schedules are run on a particular day of a specified year.


  1. In the web client, go to the Reports home page.
  2. Click Run/Edit a Report Definition.

    The Reports page displays a list of your saved reports. All normal report definitions are listed first, followed by all scheduled report definitions. The following icons indicate the scheduling status:

    Scheduling enabled: enabled schedule status icon

    Scheduling disabled: disabled schedule status icon

    Scheduling expired: expired schedule status icon

  3. Select a report, and then click Actions > Edit.
  4. On the Schedule tab, set the start date, the end date, and the frequency.
  5. Optionally, in the Email Notification section, you can set up email notifications so that the specified users receive an email that contains the generated scheduled report as an attachment.

    Before you can use this option, you must configure the email notifications feature.

    1. Type the email address or addresses, and then select the attachment format and language preference.
    2. Click Save.

      The subject line of the email includes the report generation status and the report definition name. For example, Report Generation Succeeded for Report Definition "8142 PU.".

      If a user requests to be removed from the email notifications, on the Schedule tab, delete the user from the Recipients list, and then click Save.

  6. On the Schedule tab, view the scheduled report status, next run date and time, the start and end date, and the frequency of the scheduled report.

    The following are the scheduled report statuses:

    • Expired:

      Scheduled reports with an expired status cannot be generated. If the Next Run At value for a schedule is within the range [Schedule Lifetime Start Date, Schedule Lifetime End Date], the status of the schedule does not expire. Otherwise, the status is marked as expired. You must correct the Lifetime range and restart the schedule by clicking the check-box next to the status. The expired status is always determined by the scheduler, and you cannot mark the schedule as expired.

    • Enabled:

      A scheduled report definition runs only when the status is enabled. When a scheduled report definition is enabled, the Next Run At value for the next schedule will be within the range [Schedule Lifetime Start Date, Schedule Lifetime End Date]. By default, when a scheduled report definition is created, the status is enabled. The status remains enabled until the schedule expires. Then, the status changes to expired. If you disable the schedule, the status changes to disabled.

    • Disabled:

      A scheduled report definition cannot run when its status is disabled. When a scheduled report definition is moved to the enabled state, the Next Run At value for the next schedule will be within the range [Schedule Lifetime Start Date, Schedule Lifetime End Date]. This range indicates that although the next run time is valid, the user does not want the schedule to run then. The scheduled report definition status remains disabled until you change it to enabled. You cannot change the status to expired when the schedule is in the disabled state.

  7. Click View a saved Report to view your scheduled reports.
  8. Click the Scheduled tab. All of the scheduled saved reports that belong to a report definition are grouped into a tree structure. The root of the tree is the parent report definition. The associated saved reports are the children leaf records.
  9. To view the children reports, click the row selector at the beginning of the record, and click Actions > View.
