Improving processing performance with Multi-threaded Queries

You can improve the processing performance of queries by allowing queries to be split into multiple processing threads.

Multi-threaded queries allow IBM® Cognos® TM1® to automatically load balance the application of cores by executing each query on a separate core. This multiple processing can improve efficiency and processing time for large queries and rules.

For example:

Best practice is to set MTQ to the highest available combination of physical and multi-threaded cores. For example, set MTQ=8 for 4 hyper-threaded cores or MTQ=16 for 16 physical cores.

Only servers running at less than 100% capacity can benefit from multi-threaded query improvements. For example, if you had 8 cores processing 8 concurrent queries, none could leverage multi-threaded queries. The addition of a 9th concurrently processing query would result in the query processing threads being split across multiple cores.

To allow the server to process multi-threaded queries, specify the maximum number of threads to use when processing queries by adding MTQ=n to the Tm1s.cfg, where n represents the maximum overall number of threads per query.

You can track multi-threaded query execution using the Enhanced object contention report in Cognos TM1 Operation Console.


To enable logging for multi-threaded queries, enter the following lines in the file located in the same location as your tm1s.cfg file:

  • To capture Stargate creation times add: log4j.logger.TM1.Cube.Stargate=DEBUG
  • To capture work unit splitting: log4j.logger.TM1.Parallel=DEBUG
  • To capture the event of operation threads picking work units: log4j.logger.TM1.OperationThread=DEBUG