Configuring Controller Web

You must configure two IBM® Controller Web components.

Before you begin

Install IBM Cognos Controller and select the check boxes for Controller Web and Controller Web Frontend.


  1. Find the server.env file in the installation directory.
    The default directory path is C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\fcmweb\wlp\etc\.
  2. Open server.env and set the JAVA_HOME installation directory to the location of the jre folder.
    The default location of the jre folder is JAVA_HOME=C:/Program Files/ibm/cognos/ccr_64/fcmweb/jre.
  3. Open a command prompt window and run SyncDBConf.bat with the following parameters:
    UDL files folder
    Path to the folder that contains the UDL files (specifying database connections) defined for Cognos Controller
    Data source folder
    Output path for the folder that contains the data sources that are generated from the UDL files
    Note: You must have administrator permission to run this file.

    This file synchronizes Controller Web with the Uniform Data Language (UDL) files that are defined for databases used by Controller Web.

    For example, C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\fcmweb\SyncDBConf.bat ..\Data wlp\usr\shared\config\datasources.
  4. Locate the file in the installation directory.
  5. Open and set the following values:
    • ccrwsUrl=<the WSSUrl to which /ccrws.asmx is appended>. For example, ccrwsUrl=http://myControllerServer/ibmcognos/controllerserver/ccrws.asmx.
    • loginMode=NATIVE
  6. Optional: You can change the available memory by doing the following steps:
    1. Find the jvm.options file in the C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\ccr_64\fcmweb\wlp\etc\ folder.
    2. Change the Xms/Xmx settings.
  7. Open the Microsoft Windows Service Manager console, find IBM Cognos Controller Web, and start the service.
  8. Find the config.js file in C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\ccr_64\frontend.
  9. Open the file in a text editor and make the following changes:
    1. Change the proxiesoptionstargethost parameter to the FQDN of the application server that is running Controller Web
      The parameter proxiesoptionstarget refers to the connection to Controller Web Backend.
      For example, host:
    2. Change the expressJshost parameter to the address through which you want to access Controller Web (FQDN/IP/machine name)
      The expressJs parameter configures the way the Controller Web UI service is exposed.
      For example, host:
  10. Save the file.
  11. Open the Microsoft Windows Service Manager console, find IBM Cognos Controller Web UI, and start the service.
  12. Open a web browser, enter the following URL, and log in to Controller Web: