Bulk conversion of queries and analyses

Convert a group object of type query (Query Studio report) or analysis (Analysis Studio report) to objects of type report. This supports the deprecation of Query Studio and Analysis Studio and allows you to migrate your analysis and query content to Cognos Analytics Reporting.

You can also convert individual query or analysis objects to reports. For more information, see Open a Report in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting.

Before you begin

You must have the necessary permissions to locate and convert analyses and queries to reports.

  • Anonymous user access is not supported.
  • You cannot convert objects in My content.
  • Schedules of analyses and queries will not be transferred to the converted reports.

Converting a group of query and analysis objects to report objects

To convert multiple query and analysis objects to report objects at once, run the RunBulkConverter.bat command. The RunBulkConverter application is installed in the installation_location/sdk/bulkconverter folder as part of the Application Tier components.

  1. On a command line, go to the installation_location/sdk/bulkconverter folder.
  2. On Windows, type



    On Linux or AIX, type


  3. Enter the value of Internal dispatcher URI from Cognos Configuration and log in to the namespace as an authenticated user.
  4. Locate and select one or more analyses, queries, and folders containing analyses or queries in the tree pane that shows all the contents in Team content.
  5. Select Queries to Reports from the Convert menu to convert the selected query objects to reports.
  6. Select Analyses to Reports from the Convert menu to convert the selected analysis objects to reports.

    The results are displayed in the output pane. To see the newly created reports in the tree pane, select Refresh Tree from the tree pane or from the File menu.

    If the conversion is successful, the converted reports are saved with the same names as the originals in the Converted Analyses or Converted Queries folder located in the same folder as the selected analyses or queries.

Tip: If the conversion fails with an analysis or a query, try converting the analysis or query individually and view the error log. For more information, see Open a Report in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting.