Remapping objects to new sources

During the life cycle of an IBM® Cognos® Framework Manager model, you may need to change the data source it uses. For example, you may want to use the model against a different database with the same data, migrate the model from a transactional schema to a star or snowflake schema, or replace a previously existing database or import view with a new view. All of these actions can affect your reports. For example, if you change the names of objects, reports may no longer validate.

You can minimize the effect of model changes and data source changes by remapping higher level model objects so that they continue to run and return correct data. When you remap, you match and substitute object references or names in an original object, to object references or names in another object. You can remap query items and measures. You can remap individual objects manually or you can remap multiple objects at the same time. When remapping multiple objects, Framework Manager matches items in the original object to items in the other object using the matching criteria you specify. Only the objects that meet the matching criteria are remapped. You can use the object name or the object reference as the matching criteria for both the original and other objects.

When you change the matching criteria for remapping, you are specifying the criteria that will be used to remap to subsequent objects.

If a model query subject or model dimension contains a filter or calculation, the model filter or calculation is also remapped when you remap the model query subject or model dimension. You do not see a message or warning about this.

Validate all affected reports whenever you make changes to your model. To identify affected reports, see Showing object dependencies and Finding report dependencies

You cannot remap data source query subjects or data source dimensions. Remapping is only supported when using the design locale of the model.


  1. In the Project Viewer, right-click an object and select Remap To New Source.
  2. If you want to change the matching criteria, click Options and do the following:
    • Choose the matching criteria for the object you are using to remap, and for the original object that you are remapping.

      You can match objects by name or by object reference.

    • The default criteria options are By Name for the object you are using to remap, and By Object References for the original object that you are remapping.
    • Click OK.
    • To use the criteria you specified, select the Use matching criteria options check box.

      If the matching criteria is By Name to By Name, spaces within the string are removed.

      If there is no object reference, the object name is used.

  3. Do one or more of the following:
    Goal Action
    Remap an individual object manually Under Available Model Objects, drag an object to the object that you want to remap under Query Items, Measures, Calculations, and Filters.

    The new value for the object displays under Remap To.

    Remap multiple objects automatically Under Available Model Objects, drag a query subject to any row under Query Items, Measures, Calculations, and Filters.

    All of the objects that meet the matching criteria are remapped and their values display under Remap To.

    Change the expression for an object Click the ellipsis (…) button beside the object. For information on how to create an expression, see Creating calculations.
    Restore a remap value to the original source value Right-click the row that contains the object that you want to restore, and select Restore to Original Value.

    Clear the remap value and the original value for the selected object

    Click the row that contains the object, and click Clear.
    Clear the remap value for all objects Click Clear All.
  4. Click OK when you are finished remapping.