Specify Conversions

If your data contains more than one Shift-JIS character that converts the same Unicode character, use the Round Trip Safety Configuration utility to specify that the Unicode character always converts to the required Shift-JIS character.

Before you choose the Shift-JIS character to use in a conversion, determine which Shift-JIS character is currently used in the environment. Only one of the possible Shift-JIS equivalents of a Unicode character can be used in a specific environment.

On the Conversion Tab, native encoding characters appears in the form 0xYYYY, and Unicode characters appear in the form U+YYYY, where YYYY represents the hexadecimal value of the Unicode character.

For example, the character "A" appears as follows:

  • for native encoding, 0x41
  • for Unicode, U+0041

Each row represents a mapping rule that associates two or three Shift-JIS characters with the Unicode character in the first column.

By default, all Shift-JIS characters in a row are converted to the associated Unicode character. For example, the Shift-JIS characters 0x8782 and 0xFA59 both convert to the Unicode character U+2116.

You can configure more than one character at a time.


  1. Start the Round Trip Safety Configuration utility in the install_location/bin:
    • for Microsoft Windows operating system, rtsconfig.exe
    • for UNIX operating system, rtsconfig
  2. Click the Conversion tab.

    Tip: To see the glyph next to the Unicode character, from the View menu, click Glyphs. Depending on the type and size of fonts you use, some glyphs may not be visible.

  3. From the Edit menu, click Find a character, and then enter the hexadecimal value of the Shift-JIS character.
  4. Click OK.
  5. In the First Shift-JIS Character, Second Shift-JIS Character, or Third Shift-JIS Character column, select the Shift-JIS character that you want the Unicode character to convert to.
  6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for each Shift-JIS character that you want to configure.
  7. Save your specifications using one of the following methods:
    • To only save your specifications, from the File menu, click Save.
    • To save and apply your specifications, from the Tools menu, click Configure.

    If you save only, you can apply your specification later. For more information, see Apply the Conversions and Substitutions. You can also restore default settings. For more information, see Restore the Default Conversion Settings.

    The specifications are saved in the file shift-jis.xml in the install_location/bin directory.