Creating server groups for advanced dispatcher routing

If you intend to define routing rules for reports, you must create server groups for the dispatchers or configuration folders to which you want reports to be routed.

For information about defining routing rules, see Dispatcher routing.

Tip: If you are setting up advanced dispatcher routing and are using PowerPlay, you must ensure that the server group includes at least one PowerPlay server to handle PowerPlay requests.

About this task

You can


  1. From Manage > Administration console, open IBM Cognos Administration.
  2. On the Status tab, click System.
  3. In the Scorecard pane, from the change view menu of the current view, click All dispatchers.
    Tip: The current view is one of All servers, All server groups, All dispatchers, or Services.
  4. From the Actions menu of the dispatcher, click Set properties.
  5. Click the Settings tab.
  6. Select Tuning from the Category list.
  7. Type a name in the Value column for the Server Group property.
    Important: The name can contain a maximum of 40 characters.
  8. Click OK.

    You use this server group when you define routing rules, as documented in the topic Setting routing rules for dispatchersin the topic ../