Configure JMX Connection Information using IBM Cognos Configuration

You configure Java™ Management Extensions (JMX) connection information in IBM® Cognos® Configuration by specifying a cookie value and then setting the JMX port and credentials.


  1. On the computer where Content Manager is installed, start IBM Cognos Configuration.
  2. In the Explorer window, click Environment.
  3. In the Properties window, configure the JMX properties under Dispatcher Settings:
    • For External JMX port, type an available port number.
    • For External JMX credential, click the edit icon Actions icon in the Value column, type a user ID and password, and then click OK.

      The user ID and password ensure that only an authorized user can connect to the Java environment to specify the user or users to be logged, using the port specified in External JMX port.

  4. Save the configuration.