
IBM® Cognos® Analytics includes an embedded assistant that supports text-based input to help you gain quick insights into your data and simplify your analytics. In just a few steps, you can access key data sources, create visualizations, and drag them onto your Exploration or Dashboard canvas. Text input is supported in English only.

You can use two interfaces:
  1. Full assistant panel
  2. Compact assistant panel

Full assistant panel

The full assistant panel is made up of three sections: toolbar, output, and input field. You can run actions in the toolbar, such as resetting your history. The output is displayed in a scrollable area that includes all past responses. The input field, labeled as Ask a question by default, is where you can enter text-based conversational input.

Open the full panel view by clicking the Assistant icon Conversation assistant icon. If you're using the compact panel, in Exploration only, you can switch to the full panel by clicking Open in full view.

Compact assistant panel

The compact panel is available in the Exploration interface only. You can open the compact panel by clicking Ask a question in the compact panel area.

The compact panel shows the last input and response only. To view the full history, click the Open in full view link in the compact panel or the Assistant icon Conversation assistant icon.

In the Ask a question field, you can click the keyboard up-arrow or down-arrow to see a list of recommended commands. As you enter text, a type-ahead feature offers suggestions on what you can ask. This is a great way to formulate proper questions and it saves typing.

To repeat your last question, click the response bubble or use the keyboard shortcut (Shift + up-arrow), and then press Enter. You can scroll through your previous questions by pressing Shift + up/down arrows.

Visualizations that appear in the Assistant panel are condensed and might exclude some information. You can view the complete visualization details in Explore or Dashboard. From the Assistant, you can drag visualizations onto an Exploration or Dashboard canvas.

Drag a visualization into Dashboard
To clear your conversation history, and return it to its initial state, click the Reset icon Assistant reset icon in the toolbar. Entering reset or clear produces the same result. The Reset icon appears in the full panel only; it is not available in the compact panel.
Important: Refreshing your Cognos Analytics browser tab also resets your history.