
Instances of this class are objects that can be manipulated with the set of methods that manage the content store.

Every bibus » baseClass class property has a name. A name can be specified in multiple locales. The name in the user's locale can be manipulated using defaultName.

The property searchPath identifies objects. This property is usually constructed from the name and class of the object, and the names and classes of all containing objects, although this is not always the case. This property is used to determine the set of objects that are returned in response to calling query methods, including the content » query(searchPath, properties, sortBy, options) method. This property is also used to identify the set of objects that are affected when other methods that manage the content store are called. The storeID defines a searchPath form that can be embedded in a URL.

The following properties provide basic information about the object that is used by Content Manager when managing the content store, or by IBM® Cognos® Connection when constructing portal pages:

Information about other objects that contain the object, as well as whether the object is a container for other baseClass objects, is provided in these properties:

Certain properties are used to control how the object can be manipulated by users of the content store, as well as by other components:

The property position records the position of the object in the response returned by query methods like the content » query(searchPath, properties, sortBy, options) method.

Many of the objects in the BI Bus API are instances of a class that is derived from baseClass, either directly or indirectly. For example, instances of the bibus » graphic class are used to store images used by report outputs in the content store. The bibus » report class is an indirect derivation of baseClass. It is derived from the bibus » authoredReport class, which is derived from the bibus » baseReport class, which is derived from the bibus » uiClass class, which, finally, is derived from baseClass.

You cannot create an instance of baseClass because it is an abstract class. You can only create instances of derived classes.

This class

  • is an abstract type used to define properties that are inherited by other types

Derived Classes


Used by the following properties:
Used by the following method parameters:
Used by the following method return values:

Related information:


This class has the following properties.


Contains information about the ancestors of the object. The parent of the object is the last element, the grandparent is the second-to-last element, and so on.

This property

  • is an array of type bibus » ancestorInfo

    is encoded as type tns:ancestorInfoArrayProp

  • is read-only

  • can be retrieved without requiring read permission on the object; only traverse permission on the full path to the containing object is required


Specifies the time that the object was created, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

This property

  • is of type dateTime

    is encoded as type tns:dateTimeProp

  • is read-only

  • is searchable

  • can be retrieved without requiring read permission on the object; only traverse permission on the full path to the containing object is required


Specifies the name of the object that best matches the name expressed in the user's preferred language. This is the content language specified by the bibus » account » contentLocale property. The user selects this language in the user preferences.

Any Unicode character is allowed in an object name, with the exception of tabs, carriage returns, and line feeds. Content Manager trims leading and trailing spaces, and reduces two or more consecutive internal spaces to one. Names consisting only of spaces are reduced to empty strings. We recommend that you do not use only spaces for object names.

This property

  • is of type token

    is encoded as type tns:tokenProp

  • can contain at least 255 characters

  • is searchable

  • can be retrieved without requiring read permission on the object; only traverse permission on the full path to the containing object is required


Specifies whether a user must have write or setPolicy permission to be granted traverse, read, or execute permission on the object.

Set to true to deny access to users when a maintenance operation is in progress.

For example, when a user tries to execute the object, the policy of the object is checked to ensure that the user has execute permission.

If the user does not have execute permission, the user is not allowed to execute the object.

If the user has execute permission and the disabled property is set to true, Content Manager checks to ensure that the user has either write or setPolicy access to the object. If the user does not have either of these permissions, the user is not allowed to execute the object.

This property

  • is of type boolean

    is encoded as type tns:booleanProp

  • can be acquired from a containing object

  • can be retrieved without requiring read permission on the object; only traverse permission on the full path to the containing object is required


Specifies whether the object contains other objects. Set to true if the object contains other objects.

This property

  • is of type boolean

    is encoded as type tns:booleanProp

  • is read-only

  • can be retrieved without requiring read permission on the object; only traverse permission on the full path to the containing object is required


Specifies the time that the object was last modified, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

This property

  • is of type dateTime

    is encoded as type tns:dateTimeProp

  • is read-only

  • is searchable

  • can be retrieved without requiring read permission on the object; only traverse permission on the full path to the containing object is required


Specifies the name of the object.

Comparison of object names is case-insensitive. However, when Content Manager returns an object name, it has the same case as when the object was created.

Any Unicode character is allowed in an object name, with the exception of tabs, carriage returns, and line feeds. Content Manager trims leading and trailing spaces, and reduces two or more consecutive internal spaces to one. Names consisting only of spaces are reduced to empty strings. We recommend that you do not use only spaces for object names.

The name of an object must be unique among its siblings across all locales. Any given object may have the same name in different locales.

When you create an object, you do not have to specify a name. If you do not specify a name, Content Manager generates a name using a string that represents the current date and time, in a format that is a subset of the ISO 8601 format. Fractional seconds can be as precise as milliseconds. For example, a date and time of 2005-05-31T14:39:25.035Z represents the thirty-first day of May in the year 2005. The time, measured in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) as indicated by the Z, is 14 hours, 39 minutes, 25 seconds, and 35 milliseconds.

This property

  • is of type token

    is encoded as type tns:multilingualTokenProp

  • can contain at least 255 characters

  • is multilingual

  • is searchable

  • can be retrieved without requiring read permission on the object; only traverse permission on the full path to the containing object is required


Specifies the class of the object.

This property

  • is of type bibus » classEnum

    is encoded as type tns:classEnumProp

  • is read-only

  • must contain no more than 64 characters

  • is searchable

  • can be retrieved without requiring read permission on the object; only traverse permission on the full path to the containing object is required


Refers to the owner of the object.

If a user is the owner of an object, the user has read, write, traverse, setPolicy, and execute permissions on the object. This ensures that users can always access and modify the objects that they own. By default, the owner of the object is the user who creates it, as identified by the primary account that the passport used in the request references.

A user with setPolicy permission on an object can set the owner property of that object to their account. The passport of the request that is used to change the owner property must reference the account.

System administrators have setPolicy permission on every object in the content store implicitly and can change the owner property of any object. A system administrator can also set the owner property to refer to any account known to the system.

This property

  • is an array of type bibus » baseClass

    has items that must be of class bibus » account

    is encoded as type tns:baseClassArrayProp

  • refers to other objects in the content store using an id-based search path

  • must have at most 1 item

  • can be retrieved without requiring read permission on the object; only traverse permission on the full path to the containing object is required

New in Version 10.1.0 — New Limitations for Setting Object Ownership

This property has been updated to limit the ability to set the value to an account in the request passport, unless the request is made by a system administrator.


Refers to the container of this object. Note that the root object does not have a parent.

When you create an object, you must specify its parent.

This property

  • is an array of type bibus » baseClass

    is encoded as type tns:baseClassArrayProp

  • is read-only

  • refers to other objects in the content store using an id-based search path

  • must have at most 1 item

  • can be retrieved without requiring read permission on the object; only traverse permission on the full path to the containing object is required


Contains the current user's access permissions for the object, such as read, write, setPolicy, or execute.

This property

  • is an array of type NMTOKEN

    is encoded as type tns:nmtokenArrayProp

  • is read-only

  • can be retrieved without requiring read permission on the object; only traverse permission on the full path to the containing object is required


Contains the security policy for the object.

This property

  • is an array of type bibus » policy

    is encoded as type tns:policyArrayProp

  • can be acquired from a containing object


Specifies the location of the object in the result set returned by the content » query(searchPath, properties, sortBy, options) method. The result set is defined by the values assigned to the method options.

The display order begins with 0 and increases.

This property

  • is of type nonNegativeInteger

    is encoded as type tns:nonNegativeIntegerProp

  • is read-only

  • can be retrieved without requiring read permission on the object; only traverse permission on the full path to the containing object is required


Specifies the path used to retrieve the object.

You may not be able to read or understand this path.

This property

  • is of type string

    is encoded as type tns:stringProp

  • is read-only

  • must contain no more than 4096 characters

  • can be retrieved without requiring read permission on the object; only traverse permission on the full path to the containing object is required


Identifies the object in the content store.

This property

  • is of type bibus » guid

    is encoded as type tns:guidProp

  • is read-only

  • can be retrieved without requiring read permission on the object; only traverse permission on the full path to the containing object is required


Identifies the tenant space which this object belongs to in a multi-tenant content store.

The default value is an empty string, indicating that the object is either public in a multi-tenant content store or that the content store is not configured to support multiple tenants.

Content Manager trims leading and trailing spaces, and reduces two or more consecutive internal spaces to one. A tenantID consisting of spaces only is reduced to an empty string. For correct results, do not use spaces only for tenantIDs and do not use internal spaces to differentiate tenantIDs.

This property:

  • Is set implicitly at object creation time based on the tenant ID in the current user session (for non-System Administrator users).

  • Can be set explicitly by System Administrators at object creation time.

  • Can be retrieved without requiring read permission on the object. Only traverse permission on the full path of the containing object is required.

  • Is searchable.

This property

  • is of type string

    is encoded as type tns:stringProp

New in Version 10.2.0 — Support for multi-tenancy

This property was added.


Specifies how a portal can represent the object.

This property

  • is of type bibus » usageEnum

    is encoded as type tns:nmtokenProp

  • is read-only

  • can contain at most 255 characters

  • is searchable

  • can be retrieved without requiring read permission on the object; only traverse permission on the full path to the containing object is required

New in Version 10.2.2 — Documentation Updates

This property size was amended to at most 255 characters.


Specifies the version of the object used for optimistic concurrency control. This prevents a user from overwriting the changes made by another user when both users are making changes to the same object.

This property is not related to object retention.

To use optimistic concurrency control, you must retrieve the version property for the object in the query request, and then include the retrieved value of the version property in the update request.

For more information about optimistic concurrency control, see Concurrency Control.

This property

  • is of type positiveInteger

    is encoded as type tns:positiveIntegerProp

  • is read-only

  • is searchable

  • can be retrieved without requiring read permission on the object; only traverse permission on the full path to the containing object is required