CPXXcallbackgetlocalub and CPXcallbackgetlocalub

The routine CPXXcallbackgetlocalub/CPXcallbackgetlocalub retrieves the upper bound values for the subproblem at the current node during MIP optimization from within a user-written callback.

int  CPXXcallbackgetlocalub( CPXCALLBACKCONTEXTptr context, double * ub, CPXDIM begin, CPXDIM end )

int  CPXcallbackgetlocalub( CPXCALLBACKCONTEXTptr context, double * ub, int begin, int end )


The routine CPXXcallbackgetlocalub/CPXcallbackgetlocalub retrieves the upper bound values for the subproblem at the current node during MIP optimization from within a user-written callback.

The routine can be invoked only in the context CPX_CALLBACKCONTEXT_RELAXATION.



The callback context as passed into the callback function.

An array to receive the values of the upper bound values. This array must be of length at least (end-begin+1). If successful, ub[0] through ub[end-begin] contain the upper bound values for the current subproblem.
An integer specifying the beginning of the range of upper bounds to be returned.
An integer specifying the end of the range of upper bounds to be returned.


The routine returns 0 (zero) if successful and nonzero if an error occurs.


 status = CPXcallbackgetlocalub (context, ub, 0, cols-1);