Planning to modify compiler option default values

Start of changeIBM provides a default setting for each compiler option.End of change You can accept the IBM®-supplied compiler option values when you install Enterprise COBOL, or you can modify them to better suit the needs of programmers at your location. You can also choose whether your application programmers will have the ability to override Start of changean option default (meaning the option default is not fixed) or will be restricted from overriding an option default (meaning the option default is fixed). The IGYCDOPT program lets you set and fix the defaults for the compiler options.End of change

Compiler option defaults is set in the IGYCDOPT program.

IGYCDOPT is link-edited with AMODE 31 and RMODE ANY during installation.

For compiler option defaults set in the IGYCDOPT program, see IGYCDOPT worksheet for options.

When you assemble COBOL customization parts, such as IGYCDOPT, you need access to a system MACLIB. Typically, the MACLIB is found in SYS1.MACLIB. You also need access to the COBOL MACLIB IGY.V6R4M0.SIGYMAC.

Note: The high-level qualifier IGY.V6R4M0 might have been changed when Enterprise COBOL was installed.