Data sets used by the compiler under z/OS

The following table lists the function, device requirements, and allowable device classes for each data set that the compiler uses.

Table 1. Compiler data sets
Type ddname Function Required? Device requirements Allowable device classes Can be in z/OS® UNIX file system?
Input SYSIN1 Reading source program Yes Card reader; intermediate storage Any Yes
SYSOPTF Reading compiler options If OPTFILE is in effect Card reader; intermediate storage; direct access Any Yes
SYSLIB or other copy libraries1 Reading user source libraries (PDSs or PDSEs) If program has COPY or BASIS statements Direct access SYSDA No
Utility2 SYSUT1, SYSUT2, SYSUT3, SYSUT4, SYSUT6 Work data set used by compiler during compilation Yes Direct access SYSALLDA No
SYSUT5 Work data set used by compiler during compilation If program has COPY, REPLACE, or BASIS statements Direct access SYSALLDA No
SYSUT7 Work data set used by compiler to create listing Yes Direct access SYSALLDA No
SYSUT8, SYSUT9, SYSUT10, SYSUT11, SYSUT12, SYSUT13, SYSUT14, SYSUT15 Work data set used by compiler during compilation Yes Direct access SYSALLDA No
Output SYSPRINT1 Writing storage map, listings, and messages Yes Printer; intermediate storage SYSSQ, SYSDA, standard output class A Yes
SYSTERM Writing progress and diagnostic messages If TERM is in effect Output device; TSO terminal   Yes
SYSPUNCH Creating object code If DECK is in effect Card punch; direct access SYSSQ, SYSDA Yes
SYSLIN Creating object module data set as output from compiler and input to binder (linkage-editor) If OBJECT is in effect Direct access SYSSQ, SYSDA Yes
SYSADATA1 Writing associated data file records If ADATA is in effect Output device   Yes
SYSJAVA Creating generated Java™ source file for a class definition If compiling a class definition (Must be a z/OS UNIX file)   Yes
SYSUDUMP, SYSABEND, or SYSMDUMP Writing dump If DUMP is in effect (should be rarely used) Direct access SYSDA Yes
SYSDEBUG Writing symbolic debug information tables to a data set separate from the object module If TEST(...,SEP,...) is in effect Direct access SYSDA Yes
SYSMDECK Processing for the MDECK option, or a work data set if NOMDECK is specified Yes Direct access SYSALLDA Yes
  1. You can use the EXIT option to provide user exits from these data sets.
  2. Utility data sets must be single volume, and cannot have DSNTYPE=LARGE (SYSUT1 - SYSUT15).

Related references  
Logical record length and block size