Document Hit List function

The Document Hit List function displays the list of documents that match the search criteria for a specific folder. Each document is represented by a link to the document on the Content Manager OnDemand server. After clicking a link, ODWEK retrieves the document from the server and displays it in the browser window with the appropriate viewer.

Required parameters

The name of the folder.
Display list of documents that match the search criteria.
The password for the user ID.
The name of the Content Manager OnDemand server.
The Content Manager OnDemand user ID.

Optional parameters

folder field name
The name of a folder search field and the search value. You can specify one or more sets of field names and search values, up to the number of fields defined for the folder.
folder field name2
For folder search fields that use the BETWEEN or NOT BETWEEN search operators, the upper value with which to search the field.
folder field nameOP
The operator to be used to override the default operator for a folder search field. Replace value with one of the following values:
to indicate Equal
to indicate Not Equal
to indicate Less Than
to indicate Less Than or Equal
to indicate Greater Than
to indicate Greater Than or Equal
to indicate In
to indicate Not In
to indicate Like
to indicate Not Like
to indicate Between
to indicate Not Between
Used by the CGI program when generating the next output page. If specified, then the page contains a call to the specified program instead of the default program (ARSWWW.CGI). This parameter is primarily used by programmers who are creating a front-end CGI program or servlet to the CGI program or servlet provided by IBM.

The program can name a directory that is relative to the ServerRoot directive or name an alias that is defined in the web server configuration file. By default, ODWEKretrieves the CGI program from the CGI-BIN directory.

Use to specify the beginning date in a range of dates to search. If you specify the _date1 and _date2 parameters, Content Manager OnDemand limits the query to the table or tables that contain one or both of the specified dates. The format of the date string that you specify must match the display format of the folder field. (You can use the administrative client to list the display format of the folder field.)
Use to specify the ending date in a range of dates to search. If you specify the _date1 and _date2 parameters, Content Manager OnDemand limits the query to the table or tables that contain one or both of the specified dates. The format of the date string that you specify must match the display format of the folder field. (You can use the administrative client to list the display format of the folder field.)
Determines the format of date values used by ODWEK to search the database and display items that match a query. The default date format is set on the folder Field Information page.
A comma-separated list that contains the names of the folder display fields. You can specify one or more field names. If you do not specify this parameter, the output page contains all of the folder display fields.
The output of this command includes a target=value attribute. This parameter makes building HTML frames simpler. This parameter is optional.
Determines the HTML file that ODWEK uses as a template to generate the output web page. The value can be a file name or an * (asterisk). If the value is an asterisk, then ODWEK uses the DOCHITLIST.HTM file found in the directory named by the TEMPLATEDIR parameter in the ARSWWW.INI file. If the value is a file name without a path name, then the file must be in the directory named by the TEMPLATEDIR parameter. If the value includes a path name, then the path must be relative to the directory named by the TEMPLATEDIR parameter.
The overall content of the HTML file is defined by the customer. However, the file must contain the following comment line:
<!– - -AOI# Marker– - ->
The location of the comment line determines where ODWEK places its output. All lines above the comment line are written before the output generated by ODWEK. All lines below the comment line will be written after the output generated by ODWEK.

The TEMPLATE.HTM file is the sample template file provided with ODWEK. You can use the sample template file to help create your own template file for the document hit list function.

Automatically disconnects the user from the Content Manager OnDemand server after creating the document list. Specifying this parameter eliminates the need for your application to call the Logoff function to disconnect the user. The only valid value for this parameter is 1 (one).
Determines the maximum number of items that ODWEK returns to the document list, regardless of the number of items that match the query. ODWEK fills the document list with items that match a query in the order in which matching items were loaded into the database.
ODWEK uses one of the following values to determine the number of items to return to the document list:
  • The value of the Maximum Hits field (specified on the Permissions page in the Content Manager OnDemand folder). This value overrides all other values.
  • The value of the _max_hits parameter, if specified. This value overrides the MAXHITS parameter from the ARSWWW.INI file.
  • The value of the MAXHITS parameter, if specified.
  • If none of the previously listed values are specified, ODWEK returns a maximum of 200 items to the document list.
Determines the type of output generated by ODWEK. The default value is 0 (zero) and means that ODWEK generates HTML output. If you specify 1 (one), ODWEK generates delimited ASCII output.
Specify a 1 (one) to connect search fields with the OR logical operator; an item must match at least one of the specified search values. The default value is 0 (zero), which means that Content Manager OnDemand connects search fields with the AND logical operator (an item must match all of the specified search values).
The TCP/IP port number used to connect to the Content Manager OnDemand server. Any value that you specify overrides the value of the PORT parameter in the ARSWWW.INI file.
Determines the folder search field or fields that Content Manager OnDemand uses to sort items in the document list. If you specify more than 1 field, separate the field names with a comma. For example: _sort_field=Account,Account+Balance,Date. The default sort fields are defined on the Field Information page for the folder.
For each folder search field that is specified in the sort_field parameter, determines whether Content Manager OnDemand sorts items first to last or last to first. Specify an A (ascending) to sort items first to last. Specify any other character to sort items last to first (descending). For example: _sort_order=A,D,A. The default sort order is determined by the sort order that is defined on the Field Information page for the folder.
Specifies the SQL query that Content Manager OnDemand uses to search the folder. If you specify this parameter, the SQL query is used to search the folder rather than any folder field name / value pairs that might be specified. Content Manager OnDemand does not validate the query string.

When using an SQL string, you must specify application group database field names and values. If you plan to query date fields, you must specify Content Manager OnDemand internal date values. For example, the date January 1, 1999 would be specified as 10593. You can use the ARSDATE program to list the internal date value for a specified date.

The SQL string is used to search all of the application groups contained in the folder. If the SQL string contains a database field name that is in one application group but not in another application group, then the query fails.

Example: Coding the Document Hit List function