Setting up the development environment

To set up the ODWEK application development environment on your system, you must make sure that ODWEK has access to library files, shared objects, DLLs, and service programs, as required by your environment.

About this task

ODWEK must have access to the following files or objects:
  • Library files
  • For AIX, Linux, and z/OS: shared objects
  • For Windows: DLLs
  • For IBM i: service programs


To provide ODWEK with access to the library files, do one of the following tasks:

  • Manually set the CLASSPATH environment variable.
  • Use the Java Classpath parameter in the JVM to specify the classpath.

The jar files shown in the following table are correct for the V10.5.0.8 fix pack. Subsequent fix packs might require updated dependent jar files. Check the Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms README_10.5.x.y.txt file for the version or fix pack you have installed to determine your specific requirements.

To provide ODWEK with access to the shared objects, DLLs, or service programs, you must also do one of the following tasks:

  • Manually set the LIBPATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or PATH environment variables.
  • Use the Java Library Path parameter in the JVM to specify the library path.

What to do next

The following table describes which environment variables to set for your operating system. For AIX and Linux, the values listed in the table assume that you installed ODWEK in the default installation directory. If you specified a different installation directory, replace /opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5 with the directory that you specified.

The method you use to set these values on your system depends on the requirements of the application server you use. For IBM i, see Specifying CLASSPATH and LIBPATH for a Content Manager OnDemand Web Enablement Kit (ODWEK) application on IBM i for more information.

Table 1. Environment variables to set for each operating system supported by ODWEK.
Operating system Environment variable Value to specify or task to complete
AIX LIBPATH /opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/www:/opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/lib64
AIX CLASSPATH /opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/www/api/ODApi.jar:/opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/jars/gson-2.10.1.jar:/opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/jars/log4j-api-2.23.1.jar:/opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/jars/log4j-core-2.23.1.jar
IBM i LIBPATH For server version and later: /QIBM/ProdData/OnDemand/lib64

For server versions earlier than /QSYS.LIB/QRDARS.LIB

IBM i CLASSPATH /QIBM/ProdData/OnDemand/www/api/ODApi.jar:/QIBM/ProdData/OnDemand/jars/gson-2.10.1.jar:/QIBM/ProdData/OnDemand/jars/log4j-api-2.23.1.jar:/QIBM/ProdData/OnDemand/jars/log4j-core-2.23.1.jar
Linux LD_LIBRARY_ PATH /opt/ibm/ondemand/V10.5/www:/opt/ibm/ondemand/V10.5/lib64
Linux CLASSPATH /opt/ibm/ondemand/V10.5/www/api/ODApi.jar:/opt/ibm/ondemand/V10.5/jars/gson-2.10.1.jar:/opt/ibm/ondemand/V10.5/jars/log4j-api-2.23.1.jar:/opt/ibm/ondemand/V10.5/jars/log4j-core-2.23.1.jar
Windows PATH x:\install_dir\www;x:\install_dir\bin (or x:\install_dir\bin32) where x is the drive on which you installed Content Manager OnDemand and install_dir is the installation directory for the Content Manager OnDemand software.
Windows CLASSPATH x:\install_dir\www\api\ODApi.jar;x:\install_dir\jars\gson-2.10.1.jar;x:\install_dir\jars\log4j-api-2.23.1.jar;x:\install_dir\jars\log4j-core-2.23.1.jar where x is the drive on which you installed Content Manager OnDemand and install_dir is the installation directory for the Content Manager OnDemand software.
z/OS Libpath, Classpath To configure the shared library and the CLASSPATH property, you must deploy an EAR file.