[AFP2PDF] section

The AFP2PDF section contains the parameters that are used by the IBM® AFP2PDF Transform. The AFP2PDF Transform converts AFP documents and resources into PDF documents that can be viewed with the Adobe Acrobat viewer.

To convert AFP documents to PDF documents, an administrator must obtain the AFP2PDF Transform service offering from IBM and install and configure it on the Web server. For more information about the AFP2PDF Transform service offering, see your IBM representative.

To convert documents with the AFP2PDF Transform, you must set the AFPVIEWING parameter to PDF in the DEFAULT BROWSER or other browser sections.

By default, ODWEK uses the Adobe Acrobat viewer to view converted documents. You must obtain the Adobe Acrobat viewer for the browsers that are used in your organization.

This section has a global scope, and you specify it only once in the ARSWWW.INI file.

This section is optional.