Migrating to Google Cloud Platform

This section enables you to understand the pre-requisites to be setup in Azure to perform the migration to it. Also covers the replication settings for the project-level and machine-level to perform Google Cloud Platform Migration

Create Projects

Projects are used to logically separate migration environments based on target cloud platform. This section shows the steps in creating a new project which is used to run the migrations.


To perform migrations using IBM Live Migration Service there are few prerequisites which needs to be met. This section walks through the prerequisites in detail.

Replication Settings

The data replication from source to the staging area is setup in the Replication Settings. This section is used to contol how the replication takes place from source to the Staging area.

Agent Installation

The source and Staging area is linked by the Migration agent. It reads the data from source machines block by block and transmits it to the Replication servers in Staging area in a secured manner.

Configuring Blueprint

In order to configure the specifications of the target machine the Blueprint should be setup. This section talks about the different options in Blueprint for all the supported target cloud platforms.

Cutover Options

As a final step in the migration workflow, once the data is in sync the cutover options are executed in sequence. This section describes the sequence on the cutover actions namely Test and Cutover.