IBM Cloud Pak foundational services Administration panel

The IBM Cloud Pak® foundational services console includes Administration panel that provides an overview of a cluster at a glance to Cluster Administrators and and Cloud Pak Administrators. From this UI console, you can view key metrics for specific components of the IBM Cloud Paks and IBM Cloud Pak foundational services that are deployed to the cluster.

As an administrator, this at a glance view of key details provides you with the capability to quickly identify and understand anomalies and take related actions to address these issues.

Administration panel provides details on all IBM Cloud Paks and IBM Cloud Pak foundational services that are deployed to the cluster and is separate from any overview-related pages that are included with a specific IBM Cloud Pak. For some metrics and components, you can select view more details within a side-panel and go to other UI dashboards, pages, or consoles, such as the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform web console, to complete associated actions.

Required permissions

The content on the Administration panel is accessible for users with the Cluster Administrator role or the Cloud Pak Administrator role.

Note: If Platform UI is extended with Cloud Pak Platform capabilities by installing the zen-cpp-operator, each administrative user must be added with the administrative role through the Access control page to access the Administration panel. For more information, see Managing console access.

Accessing Administration panel

Administration panel is available by default and is automatically deployed as a part of installing IBM Cloud Paks and IBM Cloud Pak foundational services.

This console can be accessed from opening the main navigation for the console and clicking Home.

The Administration panel can also be accessed from clicking the Cloud Pak switcher (9-dot icon) in the toolbar and clicking IBM Cloud Pak | Administration.


Administration panel is composed of three sections:

Welcome widget

This collapsible widget displays in the console header to provide you with a list of quick actions that you can take.

The listed quick actions are based on the IBM Cloud Pak foundational services that are deployed to the cluster. This list includes links to the dashboard, page, or side-panel where you can complete associated tasks. This list can include one or more of the following links depending on the services that are installed.

Note: The listed quick actions can also be accessed by opening the respective pages from the Administration category in the main navigation menu: Access control, Identity providers or Licensing. The options that are available in the menu depend on the services that are installed.

For more information about the services that are related to any quick action, view the documentation for that service within the documentation for your deployed IBM Cloud Paks or the IBM Cloud Pak foundational services documentation.

Note: Previously this widget included cluster summary and cluster inventory data. This data now displays within separate summary cards in the Overview section of Administration panel.

Quick navigation

The Quick navigation section includes links for quickly accessing key sites or tools, such as for obtaining support or accessing the IBM Documentation for Administration panel.

You can customize the links under Quick navigation. To customize the links, click the Settings icon that is in the Overview section, and select Personalize navigation. Select the links that you want to display under Quick navigation, and click Save and close.

The Overview section

The Overview section includes individual summary cards for surfacing the key details for services and components.

The individual summary cards display high-level details for different critical subjects for your deployed IBM Cloud Paks and IBM Cloud Pak foundational services. For your deployed IBM Cloud Pak foundational services, you can view one or more of the following summary cards:

Summary cards

If License Service Reporter is deployed on the cluster, you can also click View license usage to open the Licensing dashboard. From this dashboard, you can view the usage statistics for any deployed IBM Cloud Pak within a selected reporting period. Alternatively, you can navigate to the Licensing dashboard by selecting Licensing from the Administration category in the main navigation menu.

If License Service is not deployed, you can click Deploy License Service Reporter to view the instructions for deploying this component.

For your deployed IBM Cloud Paks, additional summary cards can be available. For more information about the specific services and subject matter that is shown on these cards, refer to the associated IBM Cloud Pak documentation.

Summary card layout

You can customize the layout of the individual summary cards to make identifying the most critical information for you easier to view quickly.

To rearrange the layout, click the Settings icon that is in the Overview section, and select Personalize cards. You can now drag the individual cards where you want them to display. You can also remove and add cards. When you are finished, click Done.