Overview of Cloud Foundry Enterprise Environment

Cloud Foundry Enterprise Environment platform brings Cloud Foundry web application capability to your data center in Kubernetes containers.

Cloud Foundry Enterprise Environment platform

To take advantage of containers and Kubernetes, a new deployment method, Cloud Foundry Enterprise Environment platform, has been created. Cloud Foundry Enterprise Environment allows for the deployment and maintenance of Cloud Foundry into Kubernetes instead of traditional IaaS environments. With Cloud Foundry Enterprise Environment, you can run your Kubernetes workloads side-by-side your Cloud Foundry environment. You can also use any services that are available in IBM Cloud Private or Kubernetes in your Cloud Foundry applications by using the Open Service broker extension.

Note: The Cloud Foundry Enterprise Environment platform does not use Bosh. A limitation of this approach is that it is not possible to deploy user-created Bosh releases into this environment.

Cloud Foundry Enterprise Environment that is available in IBM Cloud Private Version 3.2.1 offers Cloud Foundry Version 6.10.

Note: Cloud Foundry Enterprise Environment currently only supports IBM Cloud Private that is installed on Ubuntu.


You can deploy Cloud Foundry Enterprise Environment in two modes: Developer and Enterprise.

Developer mode uses a small footprint and is good way to learn about the product. It still deploys into an enterprise infrastructure, but its footprint is minimal.

In Enterprise mode, you deploy all components to two or more node clusters. This deployment model provides a second layer of protection, in addition to the protection that is offered by infrastructure as a service (IaaS) high availability (HA), to make sure that your workloads stay running. After the HA platform is initialized, you can expand or reduce its nodes to fit your specific requirements.