Stabilized, deprecated, and removed function

Frequent updates to the product and changes in technology require that some function is deprecated or removed from support. See the following sections for definitions of stabilized, deprecated, and removed function and tables that identify items from these categories.

Note: IBM® Cloud Private 2.1.x reaches End of Support on 30 September 2019. For more information about this product, see IBM software support lifecycle Opens in a new tab.


A stabilized item is not planned for deprecation or removal from a subsequent release of a product, but is no longer updated or developed. Consider the alternative actions in the Recommended action and details that are provided in a table only if stabilized functions are listed for the current release.


A deprecated item is supported, but no longer recommended for use and might become obsolete. Consider the alternative actions in the Recommended action and details that are provided in the following table:

Table 2. Deprecated function
Product or category Affected item Status Version Recommended action More details and links
APIs - Application management Deprecated 3.2.1 Replaced by Application resources
APIs - Application management Deprecated 3.2.1 Replaced by Application resources
APIs - platform-identity-manager GET /idmgmt/identity/api/v1/users/<userId>/getHighestRole Deprecated version 3.2.0 Replaced by GET /idmgmt/identity/api/v1/teams/highestRole None available
APIs - platform-identity-manager GET /idmgmt/identity/api/v1/users/<userId>/getHighestRoleForCRN?crn=<resource crn> Deprecated version 3.2.0 Replaced by GET /idmgmt/identity/api/v1/teams/highestRole?crn=<resource crn> None available
APIs - platform-identity-manager GET /idmgmt/identity/api/v1/users/<userId>/getTeamResources Deprecated version 3.2.0 Replaced by GET /idmgmt/identity/api/v1/teams/resources None available
APIs - platform-identity-manager GET /idmgmt/identity/api/v1/k8resources/getK8Resources Deprecated version 3.2.0 Replaced by GET /idmgmt/identity/api/v1/teams/resources?resourceType=namespace None available
APIs - platform-identity-manager GET /idmgmt/identity/api/v1/users/<userId>/getTeams Deprecated version 3.2.0 Replaced by GET /idmgmt/identity/api/v1/teams None available.
APIs - platform-identity-manager GET /idmgmt/identity/api/v1/users/<userId>/ldapList Deprecated version 3.2.0 Replaced by GET /idmgmt/identity/api/v1/teams/directories None available
APIs - platform-identity-manager GET /idmgmt/identity/api/v1/users/<userId>/getTeamRoleMappings Deprecated version 3.2.0 Replaced by GET /idmgmt/identity/api/v1/teams/roleMappings None available
APIs - platform-identity-manager GET /idmgmt/identity/api/v1/service/teamRoleBindings Deprecated version 3.2.0 Replaced by GET /idmgmt/identity/api/v1/teams/roleMappings? userid=<userId> None available
Internal APIs - iam-token-service POST /oidc/introspect
POST /oidc/token
GET /oidc/keys
Deprecated version 3.2.0 Replaced by
POST /iam/oidc/introspect
POST /iam/oidc/token
GET /iam/oidc/keys
Both the deprecated and replaced APIs are available in version 3.2.0. The deprecated APIs are planned to be removed in a subsequent release.
Kubernetes API server experimental-encryption-provider-config parameter Deprecated version 3.2.0 Use the encryption-provider-config parameter with version instead. Managing Secrets and Encrypting Kubernetes secrets with Key Management Service plug-in.
Logging The functionality to install extra logging instances with security disabled Deprecated version 3.2.0 Update insecure logging deployments to the 3.2.0 level and use chart parameters to enable security. None available
IBM Multicloud Manager mcm-inception Deprecated version 3.2.0 mcm-inception is removed from the IBM Multicloud Manager server chart None available
APIs V1 Helm REST APIs Deprecated version 3.2.1 Replaced by the V2 Helm REST APIs Helm API
IBM Cloud Private Service Catalog Deprecated version 3.2.1 Install the service catalog with OpenShift version 4.1. For more information, see Installing the service catalog from the Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform documentation Opens in a new tab.


A removed item is typically function that was deprecated in previous releases and is no longer available in the product. You must use alternative features as a replacement for the removed function. Consider the alternative actions in the Recommended action and details that are provided in the following table:

Table 3. Removed function
Product or category Affected item Status Version Recommended action More details and links
Certificate Manager ca.crt within tls.cert Removed version 3.2.0 ca.crt was bundled within tls.cert, but is no longer. The CA certificate is provided in the certificate secret as ca.crt None available.
IBM Multicloud Manager install chart ibm-mcm-prod Removed version 3.2.0 Configure during or after IBM Cloud Private installation Configuration options for IBM Multicloud Manager
IBM Multicloud Manager install chart ibm-mcmk-prod Removed version 3.2.0 Use cloudctl mc cluster import to import a target managed cluster Importing a target managed cluster
IBM Multicloud Manager inception container ibmcom/mcm-inception-amd64:3.1.2-ce inception container Removed version 3.2.0 cloudctl mc cluster import a target managed cluster Importing a target managed cluster
IBM Multicloud Manager optional PPA install components Federation-v2 and GitOps capabilities Removed version 3.2.1 Install the IBM Cloud Pak for Multicloud Management Installation
Helm chart ibm-icplogging Removed version 3.2.0 Use the internal logging service. IBM Cloud Private logging
Helm chart ibm-icpmonitoring Removed version 3.2.0 Use the internal monitoring service. IBM Cloud Private monitoring
Helm chart ibm-icplogging-kibana Removed version 3.2.0 Use the internal Kibana service. Kibana
Helm chart Heapster Removed version 3.2.0 Use the internal Metrics Server None available
Helm chart Unified-router Removed version 3.2.0 Use the internal Metrics Server None available
Helm chart Microclimate application Removed December 1 2019 Still works for existing deployments, but removed from the catalog Beginning in December 2019, the helm chart for Microclimate is not supported and is removed from the public IBM public helm repository on Microclimate is delivered using Kabanero Enterprise, a supported offering that is included as part of IBM Cloud Pak for Applications.
IBM Cloud Private icp-router Removed version 3.2.0 icp-router is removed Use management ingress
IBM Multicloud Manager Compliance CRD Removed version 3.2.0 The Compliance CRD is removed. Use Compliance Policies CRD
IBM Multicloud Manager Prometheus and MongoDB Removed version 3.2.0 Prometheus and MongoDB are removed from the IBM Multicloud Manager server chart None available
Ports IAM port 9443 Removed version 3.2.1 Access to the IAM port is deprecated. Required ports
Monitoring AlertRule CustomResource Removed version 3.2.1 Replaced by PrometheusRule Alerts
Monitoring Support existing persistent volume claim for Prometheus and Alertmanager Removed version 3.2.1 Use the persistent volume claim which created during monitoring chart installation Installing monitoring service in IBM Cloud Private