Increasing the storage capacity of a GlusterFS cluster

Increase the storage capacity of your GlusterFS cluster.

You can increase the storage capacity of your GlusterFS cluster by adding a device on an existing storage node or by adding a storage node to the GlusterFS cluster.

Before you begin, set up the kubectl CLI. See Accessing your cluster from the Kubernetes CLI (kubectl).

Note: Whenever you use -- heketi-cli in a kubectl command, you must provide the --user admin and --secret <admin_password> parameters for Heketi pod authentication. <admin_password> is the password that is used to create the Heketi authentication secret during GlusterFS installation.

Adding a device on a GlusterFS storage node

You can add a device on a storage node that exists in your GlusterFS cluster. The device must meet the GlusterFS device requirements. See the Hardware requirements.

After you add the device, to make it a part of the Heketi topology, first retrieve the required information, then run the command for updating the topology.

Retrieving the required information

You need the ID of the node on which you are adding a device. To get the node ID, run the following commands:

  1. Get the Heketi pod name.

    kubectl -n kube-system get pod -l glusterfs=heketi-pod

    Following is a sample output:

    NAME                      READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    heketi-7b69bb4d48-g4kx9   1/1       Running   0          1h
  2. Get the cluster ID.

    kubectl -n kube-system exec <Heketi pod name> -- heketi-cli --insecure-tls --user admin --secret <admin_password> cluster list

    Following is a sample command and output:

    kubectl -n kube-system exec heketi-7b69bb4d48-g4kx9 -- heketi-cli --insecure-tls --user admin --secret admin cluster list
    Id:2a47436e012604919dae5fbb4fc3899c [file][block]
  3. Get the node ID:

    kubectl -n kube-system exec <Heketi pod name> -- heketi-cli --insecure-tls --user admin --secret <admin_password> cluster info <cluster ID>

    The command returns a list of nodes.

    Following is a sample command and output:

    kubectl -n kube-system exec heketi-7b69bb4d48-g4kx9 -- heketi-cli --insecure-tls --user admin --secret admin cluster info 2a47436e012604919dae5fbb4fc3899c
    Cluster id: 2a47436e012604919dae5fbb4fc3899c
    Block: true
    File: true
  4. Identify the node that has the new device. You can do so by the node IP address. To retrieve the node IP address, run the following command for all the nodes. Make a note of the node ID of the storage node that has the new device.

    kubectl -n kube-system exec <Heketi pod name> -- heketi-cli --insecure-tls --user admin --secret <admin_password> node info <node ID>

    Note: Get the symlink of the new device. For more information about how to get the symlink, see Symlinks.

    Following is a sample command and output:

    kubectl -n kube-system exec heketi-7b69bb4d48-g4kx9 -- heketi-cli --insecure-tls --user admin --secret admin node info de3d0a9a21868a09f92fb50e166cceda
    Node Id: de3d0a9a21868a09f92fb50e166cceda
    State: online
    Cluster Id: 2a47436e012604919dae5fbb4fc3899c
    Zone: 1
    Management Hostname:
    Storage Hostname:
    Id:4c6ba3295f71a78515d6bd5d5aad58ae   Name:/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000_00_10_0    State:online    Size (GiB):24      Used     (GiB):2       Free (GiB):22

Updating the topology

Update the Heketi topology with the information about the new device. Run the following command:

kubectl -n kube-system exec <Heketi pod name> -- heketi-cli --insecure-tls --user admin --secret <admin_password> device add --name=<device symlink> --node=<Node ID>

Following is a sample command and output:

kubectl -n kube-system exec heketi-7b69bb4d48-g4kx9 -- heketi-cli --insecure-tls --user admin --secret admin device add --name=/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000_00_11_0 --node=de3d0a9a21868a09f92fb50e166cceda
Device added successfully

Adding a storage node to the GlusterFS cluster

You can add a storage node to your GlusterFS cluster. The device on the new storage node must meet the GlusterFS device requirements. See the Hardware requirements.

Before you proceed, complete these steps:

Complete the following steps by using the kubectl CLI:

  1. Get the GlusterFS pod name.

    kubectl -n kube-system get pod -owide -l glusterfs=pod

    Following is a sample command and output:

    kubectl -n kube-system get pod -owide -l glusterfs=pod
    NAME              READY     STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE       IP              NODE
    glusterfs-4srll   1/1       Running             1          3h
    glusterfs-5zp55   0/1       ContainerCreating   0          7s
    glusterfs-j2t6d   1/1       Running             0          3h
    glusterfs-q8mcm   1/1       Running             0          3h
  2. Run the peer probe command from any of the existing GlusterFS pods.

    kubectl -n kube-system exec <GlusterFS pod name> -- gluster peer probe <IP address or host name of the new node>

    Following is a sample command and output:

    kubectl -n kube-system exec glusterfs-4srll -- gluster peer probe
    peer probe: success.
  3. Get the Heketi pod name.

    kubectl -n kube-system get pod -l glusterfs=heketi-pod

    Following is a sample output:

    NAME                      READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    heketi-7b69bb4d48-g4kx9   1/1       Running   0          1h
  4. Get the cluster ID.

    kubectl -n kube-system exec <Heketi pod name> -- heketi-cli --insecure-tls --user admin --secret <admin_password> cluster list

    Following is a sample command and output:

    kubectl -n kube-system exec heketi-7b69bb4d48-g4kx9 -- heketi-cli --insecure-tls --user admin --secret admin cluster list
    Id:2a47436e012604919dae5fbb4fc3899c [file][block]
  5. Add the new node to the GlusterFS cluster.

    kubectl -n kube-system exec <Heketi pod name> -- heketi-cli --insecure-tls --user admin --secret <admin_password> node add --zone=1 --cluster=<cluster ID> --management-host-name=<IP address or host name of the new node> --storage-host-name=<IP address of the new node>

    Following is a sample command and output:

    kubectl -n kube-system exec heketi-7b69bb4d48-g4kx9 -- heketi-cli --insecure-tls --user admin --secret admin node add --zone=1 --cluster=2a47436e012604919dae5fbb4fc3899c --management-host-name= --storage-host-name=
    Node information:
    Id: 5df753379b9629eda0c5eb71687ee2ea
    State: online
    Cluster Id: 2a47436e012604919dae5fbb4fc3899c
    Zone: 1
    Management Hostname
    Storage Hostname
  6. Update the topology with the device information of the new node.

    kubectl -n kube-system exec <Heketi pod name> -- heketi-cli --insecure-tls --user admin --secret <admin_password> device add --name=<device symlink> --node=<Node ID>

    Note: Add the symlink of the device as the name. For more information about how to get the symlink, see Symlinks.

    Following is a sample command and output:

    kubectl -n kube-system exec heketi-7b69bb4d48-g4kx9 -- heketi-cli --insecure-tls --user admin --secret admin device add --name=/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000_00_10_0 --node=5df753379b9629eda0c5eb71687ee2ea
    Device added successfully