What's new in IBM Multicloud Manager 3.1.2

IBM Multicloud Manager new features or enhancements

Get a quick overview of what's added, changed, improved, or deprecated in this release.

Install IBM Multicloud Manager on multiple Kubernetes services

You can install your IBM Multicloud Manager Klusterlet on different Kubernetes cloud providers. For instance, see Installing the Klusterlet on IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service to install the Klusterlet on IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service. See Installing the IBM Multicloud Manager Klusterlet on a managed-cluster for installation instructions on other Kubernetes services, such as Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes.

IBM Multicloud Manager management console

From the Overview page, you can manage and reorganize a dashboard of your cluster information. View the heat map details to find out your pod health for all of your clusters. You can view the cloud providers that are in your cluster, filter your search, save changes, and enable and disable the refresh feature on the Overview dashboard. For more information, see the Overview page section on the Accessing your IBM Multicloud Manager cluster from the management console page.

From the Topology page, you can filter the graphics by selecting the icon that represents the Kubernetes controllers. For more information, see the Topology page on the Accessing your IBM Multicloud Manager cluster from the management console page.

From the Search page, you can enter a search query and filter your search. You can filter your search by category type. As you select a category type, the associated values are suggested. A search bar is available on each page from the console. For more information, see the Search page section on the Accessing your IBM Multicloud Manager cluster from the management console page.

Working with IBM Multicloud Manager

Now you can use object-templates to specify one or multiple Kubernetes object(s) in your compliance policy. You can also use PlacementPolicy and PlacementBinding to select the clusters where your Kubernetes object(s) need to be deployed. For more information, see the IBM Multicloud Manager compliance and policy overview.

Event Management for IBM Multicloud Manager

With Event Management for IBM Multicloud Manager, you can receive event alerts from various monitoring sources, either on-premises or in the cloud. Now you can also visualize and manage multiple clusters after installation. See Event Management for IBM Multicloud Manager for more information.

IBM Multicluster Manager with GitOps capabilities (technical preview)

See Simplify and Automate Deployments Using GitOps with IBM Multicloud Manager Opens in a new tab to see how IBM Multicloud Manager now bundles Argo CD Opens in a new tab for GitOps capabilities. Use Argo CD, a GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes, and IBM Multicloud Manager, to achieve declarative and automated deployment of applications to multiple Kubernetes clusters.

The following featured versions are available:

Description Previous Versions Updated version
IBM Cloud Private 3.1.2
IBM Cloud Automation Manager 3.1.2
IBM Cloud Event Manager 2.2.0