Choosing an IDE client

As the first step, you should plan and decide which IDE client you want to use to gain development support for z/OS applications.

Table 1. Features of the three IDE options
IDE client Highlights Features
Wazi for Dev Spaces

With this in-browser IDE, you can code, build, test, debug, and run applications from any machine without any local environment configurations. Upon a single-click, team members can get their own workspace up and running.

Wazi for Dev Spaces supports almost all the capabilities that are available in Wazi for VS Code in the OpenShift cloud environment, with some differences on user experience. Learn more about the rationale and differences.
Note: Whenever applicable, you will be redirected to the documentation for Wazi for VS Code for detailed instructions.
  • Modern editors for COBOL, PL/I, JCL, HLASM, and REXX that provide language-specific features such as syntax highlighting, outline view, declaration hovering, code completion, snippets, copybook preview, copybook navigation, and basic refactoring.

  • Source code management (SCM) integration to enable integration with any flavor of Git, a popular and modern parallel development SCM.

  • Intelligent build capability that enables developers to perform a user build with IBM Dependency Based Build for any flavor of Git.

  • An integrated debugger to facilitate COBOL, PL/I, and HLASM debugging through IBM z/OS Debugger.

  • Integrations that enable developers to work with z/OS resources such as MVS™ and UNIX files and JES jobs.

Wazi for VS Code VS Code is a popular desktop editor among many current and next generation developers. IBM Enterprise language support in VS Code makes enterprise programming more attractive and productive by allowing developers to use this popular editor, with the option to integrate numerous other extensions from the VS Code Marketplace.

Why do instructions for Wazi for VS Code also apply to Wazi for Dev Spaces?

Wazi for Dev Spaces is built based on an open source tool platform called Eclipse Che, which makes Kubernetes development accessible for development teams. The default IDE for the Eclipse Che platform is Microsoft Visual Studio Code - Open Source, a web-based IDE. Microsoft Visual Studio Code - Open Source provides a compatibility API to also consume VS Code extensions using Open VSX registry . Therefore, Wazi for Dev Spaces can support almost all the capabilities that are available in Wazi for VS Code in the OpenShift cloud environment, with some differences on user experience.

Table 2. Differences between Wazi for Dev Spaces and Wazi for VS Code
  Wazi for Dev Spaces Wazi for VS Code
Installation and configuration procedure for the IDE client After the cloud administrator deploys the CASE bundle and installs an instance of Wazi for Dev Spaces via the Operator on the OpenShift cluster, each user can create one workspace from Wazi for Dev Spaces and do further configurations. Users must complete the installation and configuration procedure on their own workstation, including downloading and installing the prerequisites and the client.
Method of launch As an in-browser IDE, users can access the development environment provided by Wazi for Dev Spaces from any machine without any local environment configurations. As a desktop IDE that provides its capabilities through several VS Code extensions, users must launch the locally installed VS Code instance to use the capabilities of Wazi for VS Code.
Capability differences Refer to Limitations of using Z Open Editor with Eclipse Che and Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces.
User interface The look and feel is similar except for some details, such as icons and layout of some panes. Users who are familiar with one of these IDEs should be able to navigate around the other IDE with relative ease.
Keyboard shortcuts Refer to Keyboard shortcuts reference. You can view and customize keyboard shortcuts for Wazi for Dev Spaces by clicking File > Settings > Open Keyboard Shortcuts.
Extensions for Microsoft Visual Studio Code - Open Source To manage extensions, this IDE uses one of these Open VSX registry instances:
  • The public and primary registry.
  • The embedded instance of the Open VSX registry that runs in the plugin-registry pod of Che to support air-gapped, offline, and proxy-restricted environments. The embedded Open VSX registry contains only a subset of the extensions published on This subset can be customized.
  • A standalone Open VSX registry instance, deployed on a network accessible from Che workspace pods.
Fix pack schedule The schedule for fix packs of these two IDEs might differ. The instructions for using Wazi for VS Code will always be updated to reflect what applies to the latest fix packs. It is possible that some fix packs are available only in Wazi for VS Code. To pinpoint the fix packs updates, refer to Release notes.