Overview of Wazi Sandbox

Wazi Sandbox provides a web user interface that can create, and monitor images. Then, you can provision a z/OS® instance that is running on an emulated IBM Z® hardware from the created image to a target environment more quickly with the security and control you need.

By using Wazi Sandbox, you can create images from the following resources. Then, you can provision a z/OS instance that is running on an emulated IBM Z hardware from the created image to your target environment.
  • IBM Z components
  • Application Developers Controlled Distributions (ADCD)

Image creation from IBM Z components

Before you create images from IBM Z components, you can create components from the following resources:
  • IBM Z mainframe data sets
  • IBM Z mainframe volumes
  • IBM Z mainframe CICS®
  • IBM Z mainframe Db2®
  • IBM® Application Discovery projects
  • IBM Wazi Sandbox volumes from an existing ZD&T environment
Before you provision Wazi Sandbox from z/OS or transfer single or multi volumes, you need to configure the FTP server that is your intermediate image storage, License Server that provides the license to Wazi Sandbox emulators, and target machine that provides the environment for the development and testing. Then, you can create components by selecting the volumes from source z/OS, create the images from the created components, and provision a z/OS instance that is running on an emulated IBM Z hardware from a created image to the target environment.
Image from volume components
To transfer data sets either from z/OS or existing Wazi Sandbox machine, optionally, you need to validate the configuration of FTP server, License Server, and target machine that you must have configured when you provision the base target machine. Then, you can create components by selecting the data sets from source z/OS, create the images from the created components, and provision a z/OS instance that is running on an emulated IBM Z hardware from a created image to the target environment.
Image from data set components
Wazi Sandbox can be integrated with IBM Application Discovery. If you have built your project in Application Discovery, and want to transfer artifacts such as data sets from source Z machine to the provision Wazi Sandbox machine, you need to configure connection with your IBM Application Discovery web services. Then, create images from the created components, and provision a z/OS instance that is running on an emulated IBM Z hardware from a created image to the target environment.
Image from AD components

Images creation from ADCD

Before you provision Wazi Sandbox from ADCD, you need to configure the FTP server that is your intermediate image storage, License Server that provides the license to Wazi Sandbox emulators, and target machine that provides the environment for the development and testing. Then, download all ADCD disks to FTP server, create images by selecting the subsystems, such as CICS, IMS, DB2® and so on, and the required versions of the subsystems, and provision a z/OS instance that is running on an emulated IBM Z hardware from a created image to the target environment.
Image from ADCD

Instances clone from cloud-ready images

A cloud-ready image is considered to be an existing image that is stored in a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) in a Red Hat® OpenShift® target environment. A cloud-ready image contains only a set of volume files that can be easily cloned for use by a new Wazi Sandbox instance. To create a cloud-ready image, you must ensure that your storage class is specified to support CSI Volume Cloning when you define your Red Hat OpenShift target environment.

A cloud-ready image can be used to quickly clone a new instance to reduce the overall provisioning time. However, a cloud-ready image might cause extra costs for storing the image within the Red Hat OpenShift target environment.